The RecordKeepers

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In the time of Void and Life, there was a race that controlled the shape of time. They kept history on loose papers scattered about in piles. They never had a proper home, just followed creatures they saw. The history they wrote was unbias, not on one side or the other. They had no name, nothing to call themselves. But Life dubbed them writers and made the most important beings, after the king and queen.

When Universe was born, the race wrote songs and poems for him, celebrating him, but keeping in line with their job. They followed the Chaos Creatures when Void and Life vanished and soon made a settlement in an empty area of the Vale. This is an area that was not violent, but not peaceful. Saddening but happy. The Vale was a hidden place, a place they could live without the sounds of the outside world.

Upon the awakening of Chrona, they soon ventured into Temporal and built the Hall of Records. This became their home and soon the location of all historical items and documents for Crafters. Chrona soon dubbed them as the RecordKeepers.

They spent much of their life writing the history of the Crafters and other ranks, keeping track of each war and each new rank and who created it. When Jackson became corrupted, they were the first to suggest an area where the Crafters could hide away from evil wanting to kill them, which soon became the Meadow of Peace. After Majic, Nebula, and Chrona successfully defeated Jackson and the Chaos Creatures, the RecorderKeepers predicted that Majic would die and there was no stopping the event.

This came true, as Majic was killed by Marce out of rage at the death of his only child. The RecordKeepers collected and put Majic's sword on display at the Hall of Records, and kept the papers of Majic's death in a large journal. A young RecordKeeper would soon predict that after a thousand years, Majic would come back in the form of three. This RecordKeeper was then assigned to the story of those three and would come to be known as Raytine.

During a time of new ranks being created, the RecordKeepers would find themselves facing a war with the Chaos Creatures. They kept records of this war, noting everything thing they saw. An elder RecordKeeper read the flow of time and foresaw that their race would be slaughtered. To avoid this, the RecordKeepers hid or destroyed any records about themselves and fled, disappearing from the Hall of Records.

Of course, I'm unsure of why the Chaos Creatures would attack the race responsible for writing their history with little bias, but that is something you would have to ask a Chaos Creature. I suggest asking an elder Chaos Creature. Now, what do you want to hear about next, my dear?

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