Fallen to Queen

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Allow me to tell you the tale of an angel who fell and became a queen of the damned.

When the world was overrun by demons untamed and watched over by angels who were quite adored, one angel was called the most glorious of all. His name was Lucifer. And all the angels enjoyed his company. Though, of all the angels who wished to fall him around, only one had complicated feelings. She was, in all angel opinions, the sun incarnate. She radiated light but refused any compliments unless they came from humans. She was a Guidance Angel, and Lucifer was near Arch-Angel, but never claimed that title.

When Lucifer was cast out and fell to Earth, she watched him disappear down into the chaos. Whenever her job on earth was done, she would watch Lucifer as he sorted out the chaotic demons from her little perch. Throughout her time watching, her feelings grew and changed, becoming more of love than of unknown displeasure. This she knew was wrong, but she refused to ignore them. When another overheard her gushing about Lucifer and his beauty, he brought it before the Arch-Angels. They gave her one choice - stop her sin, or leave.

She knew that if she did not stop, they would cast her out forcefully, but if she did, she would be lying to herself. So she refused, and the Arch-Angels began to disown her as an Angel. She fled, falling down to Earth. She knew there were only two places to go. Wonder the Earth forever until death grabbed her, or find him and join him.

Her journey was near-fatal, with hunters trying to catch and sell her, either as an angel or for her wings.

When she finally arrived before Lucifer, she was a battered mess. He turned her away, believing she was just an angel who had been attacked and had wondered the wrong direction.

She stated she was no longer an angel. She told him of her feelings toward him, of her being cast out for not repenting her sin, and her brutal journey to Hell. Lucifer allowed her into Hell, telling all demons there was a new Fallen Angel, the rank he called himself.

Over time, both grew attached to one another, and soon the whole world called the former angel a queen.

Her name, you'll ask, is Violet Morningstar.

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