(Ch. 6) No joke, girls

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Jungkook simply huffed and tried to roll his eyes, something he had been practicing for a while but never got good at. Stella giggled at his attempt and they got back to talking softly together, no doubt about me. This left me and Taehyung in a slightly awkward silence as we all waited for the lift.

The way up was silent as well, until Jungkook started telling me and Stella about Jimin's "legendary" parties.

"I've seen a guy being forced to drink two whole bottles of booze by himself because he kept losing at the games. No joke, girls. Jimin is brutal when it comes to making people drink up. He only gives me slack because I once got in trouble after his party and he felt super guilty about it later. He will not let you off the hook just because you're a girl or because you've got an early class or something."

"Why would you call me to a party like that?" I asked, confused. He knew I had a terrible reaction to people asking me to do anything that I wouldn't otherwise do. Jungkook called it my 'aversion to authority'. I called it being 'my own person' who doesn't need others to tell her what to do.

"Who said anything about you? I just wanted to take Stella out." He retorted, swinging an arm around Stella and making her blush slightly. Of course, the idiot was completely oblivious to his effect on her and was just being playful, as usual. There was a reason he was known as a playboy despite not having dated anyone in college.

"Freaking moron." I muttered, again causing Taehyung to laugh.

Jungkook frowned and scoffed.

I sighed as we stood outside the door to Taehyung and Jimin's apartment, waiting for someone to let us in. The music could be heard from way down the hallway and I silently wondered how they managed their neighbours' complaints.

"The whole floor is just college students so nobody really complains. In fact, they all join our parties." Taehyung explained without me even asking, making me look up at him in shock.

"How..?" I was disturbed mid-question by a gorgeous young girl opening the door. She seemed quite wasted already.

"Who?" she asked, before take a deeper look at Taehyung and apparently recognizing him as the resident of the place. "Ah, Taehyung. Sorry dude, Jimin really got me hammered so I didn't recognise you. Come in. Make yourself at home." She slurred a little and left the door open for us as she walked back inside.

Taehyung kept his hand briefly at the small of my back to get me moving, making me jump a little involuntarily. He removed his hand immediately but from the corner of my eyes I could see an amused smile on his face. I rolled my eyes at my own self for being so jumpy and walked a little ahead of him.

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