Chapter 25 - Mama Patria...

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Sebastian De Luca

"Your mother had a bullet in her thigh and it hit her hamstring and she had a bullet awfully close to her heart therefore I'm sorry for your lost." The doctor pushing up his glasses at the end.

It's like my world just shattered. "Wha-what?" Isabella says. I get up and slam the doctor against the wall tightening my grip around his neck. "You killed my mom. She was still alive when we bought her here. What the fuck did you do?" I yell in his face.

"It's my fault." Isabella says and I see her fall to her floor and she starts crying. "How?"

"I could've saved her. But I was protecting me and Vi. I could've went to go find her and help her. If I didn't stay in the room then I could've helped her." Isabella says crying into knees. I drop the doctor. This is my fucking mom who has been by side ever since.



I was not just gonna let him disrespect my sister but she was crying. Do I go confront him or comfort her? I gave Isabella and told her it would all be okay. Then once she calmed down a bit, I decided to go speak to Seb. "I'll be back sis, don't worry."

I go in the direction Seb left to go find him. I see him sitting alone at a table in the cafeteria. I go and sit across from and see him....contemplating? It was like he was having an internal conflict that couldn't be solved. "Bro calm down." I tell him. I don't know if he ignored me or didn't hear me. I snapped my fingers in his face and he looked up at me.

"What the fuck do you want?" He growls in my face. I'm trying to stay calm. "When you calm down, I believe you should apologize to my sister because she was crying even more because of what you said." I tell him as calmly as possible.

"Why should I care what you think?" He says. "I'm saying that right now you're mad and grieving but when you calm down to talk to her before you lose her. You told me multiple time that you love her but what you said was crossing the line. You said you would never hurt her yet here we are. I told you if you hurt her, I would beat your ass." I explain to him starting to get mad.

"I don't give a fuck. We both know you won't do shit." He says. Did I mention I have anger issues? Well yeah. I punched this bitch in the fucking face. He punches back and we started fighting.

Isabella Ricci

I was trying to calm down but I saw people going into the cafeteria and heard a lot of commotion from there. Shit. Ale and Sebastian. I run into the cafeteria pushing through the crowd and see security guards trying to split them up. Both of them looked pretty beat up. Well they always trained together so I think they are equally strong.

I push past the security guards despite them telling me to step back. "Stop. Both of you. Ale. Calm down and come here." I say trying to sound firm even though I felt broken on the inside. Guess it worked because Ale punched Sebastian one more time then walked away before Sebastian could do anything.

To let the remaining anger, Sebastian punched the closest thing to him which happened to be a security guard knocking him out and he walked away. Instead of going to Sebastian, I went to go find Ale. After looking around, I find him in Vi's room. "Hey big bro."

"Hi. Thanks for calming me down because I was gonna pull out my gun." He say with a sad smile.

"Yeah. But you didn't have to fight him for me. He's still your best friend." I say biting my nails. It kinda became a habit when I left. "You're my baby sister. I will always put you before anyone else." He says pulling me in for a hug. "I love you sis."

"I love you to Ale." I say and he presses a kiss on my forehead.

"Ale and Bella?" Me and Ale look over to Violet who just woke up. Ale pushes me to the side a bit and presses a kiss on her lips. "Are you ok, babe? Do you need anything? I should call a doctor. Wait, Do you want me to call a doctor?" Ale rambles and me and Vi laugh. "Calm down. Just call the doctor." Vi says.

I decide to let them have there moment. "I'm going to go see Mama Patria one last time." I tell them. I leave closing the door behind me. I walk to her room which was 2 rooms down. I walk in her room and see her lifeless body. Tears well up in my eyes again. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. It's all my fault." I say holding her hand tears streaming faster than a damn river.

I don't how long I was there but I left when Ale came in the room, said a few words and we left. He decided we should still go see Maria no matter what because she was still family. When we walked in, Sebastian was sitting there. I knew Ale was still mad but I squeezed his hand to calm him down.

"What are you 3 doing here? Shouldn't you be with viOleT?" She says. "Maria. Even if you hate me, you're still my best friend. Every pair of friends fight, but they still end up together in the end. So I'm sorry if I offended you but I want my brother to be happy." I say honestly. "Fine. But I'm sorry too. I did say some rude thing witt Alana. Speaking of, where is Lana?" She asks oblivious of who Alana actually is.

"She's not here." Sebastian says. "If she was a real friend, she would've came and not let a loved one die." I know the end was part was targeted toward me. I just hang my head down. "Also sorry Ale for being rude about your girlfriend. After the first I was kinda over it but Alana was telling me shit and I guess it just, I don't know. But how is Violet?" Maria asks genuinely.

"She's ok but will have to stay here a bit longer than you." Ale says. "Where is Mama?" Maria asks. "la tua cagna della migliore amica l'ha lasciata morire quando avrebbe potuto salvarla, cazzo, quindi ora è morta." Sebastian says knowing I don't speak Italian. (your bitch of a best friend let her die when she could've of fucking saved her so now she's dead.)

"Zitto Sebastiano. Sai che non poteva fare niente quindi non mentire sul nome di mia sorella." Ale argues. (Shut up Sebastian. You know she couldn't do anything so don't lie on my sister's name.)

"So she killed Mama. She killed my mom. That bitch." Maria says to herself quietly. "I didn't kill her." I said. 

"Well you killed your own so your argument isn't really convincing." Maria yells.

Before anyone can come in a man comes in with Gio and Tony behind.

Who is this man? What happens next? Will Seb and Isa mend there relationship? Will Bella and Maria mend there friendship?

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