Chapter Thirty-Two: More the Merrier

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Sorry for the short and long-awaited chapter. I've been busy with school work. I am really sorry! I'll try to update more often. Anyway, have you guys seen Georgie wearing military clothing. It's so cute. 

The update will take up to three days. If not, earlier. Many apologies. Seriously!

Thanks for 1k reads as well. It means a lot to me. I did not expect people to read my fanfic. Not complaining, though. Once again, thank you!!! I also bought George's new merch, "GNF" hehe. Have a good day!



"Well, what did he send you?" Clay asked impatiently as George is taking his sweet time opening the message.

"He texted me to meet at a mall called 'Millenia' at 1 PM." Clay frowned at that comment. Why must he meet him? Why does Corpse want to meet George anyway? George already said he didn't want to collaborate to create music. It can't be he's interested in George. Wait! There is a possibility! 

"I'm definitely going with you." Clay demanded. "I know, Clay. I want you to be there as well." George replied with a smile as he goes to the bathroom. He's too defenceless, especially with that face and lean body. I can never let him go out alone, even if he begs me for it. When George exits the bathroom, the both of them make their way down to the kitchen to eat breakfast. Nick was already there when the two of them appear in the kitchen.

"Good morning, love birds," Nick said.

"Good morning, Sapnap." 

"Morning Nick." The two did not deny the statement that Nick has stated. That cause Nick to smirks and want to tease them more. "Are you guys not going to deny that?"

"Deny what?" The small boy asked. Clay just stared at Nick with the same questioning look.

"I literally called the both of you lovebirds, and none of you guys even seem bothered." 

"Oh", both of them respond at the same time. "We're not", the small boy replied first. Ouch. That fast reply hurt Clay. Every small thing that George do could affect Clay's emotions in seconds. Clay knows that and has taken note not to be too bothered by it. However, it's the person he has fallen in love with deeply.

"Y-yeah, Snapmap." Clay tried to answer nonchalantly, but his stutter makes Nick give a concerned look. Shit, I think Sapnap caught on. I am upset that he answered. I rather he remains silent. Clay droop his head down while he munches on the sandwich that Nick had made for breakfast. 



Why does Clay suddenly look so sad? Did Nick do something wrong? Did I do something wrong? George is worried about Clay. Clay was really hyper not long ago. What could have abruptly switched his mood? George decided to dwell into it and slid himself right next to Clay, who is just silently eating. Clay did not seem to notice that George has put himself nearer to him. He's definitely not himself if he didn't notice me. "Clay, did something happened?" George sees the tall man jolted a little, a face of surprise spread throughout his face.

"Nothing at all." George knows that Clay is lying. "You're lying."

"I'm really fine." George didn't believe Clay at all. George throws himself in, embracing the tall man from the side. George felt arms going around his small body. "Now, I'm really fine." George looks up at the man smiling widely. "You better be!" George tightens the hug. The third wheel is just sitting there, smiling, knowing that George has solved it.

"Do you guys want to do something later?" Nick asked.

"Oh, we're going to meet Corpse at Millenia at 1 PM." Clay replied to Nick, who looks a little sad. George took notice of it immediately.

"You want to come? I'm sure Corpse wouldn't mind anyway. Let me text him." Before Nick could even think of a response, George already sends a text to Corpse asking for permission. "If he doesn't allow, we're not going." George firmly added. "Thank you, Georgie!" Nick smiled and went to hug George. George returns the hug. How could he reject hugs? He loves them. Clay is smiling like a father, looking proud of his own son. 

"Ding!" George's phone notification goes off. George looks at it. "He said... Okay!" 

"Let's go!"

"Wooo!" The three of them cheered like children who finally gotten what they wanted. 

The three of them watched videos that Clay and Nick posted since George haven't really watched them. George definitely was eager to watch. The three of them burst into laughter, small conflicts between who's better between Nick and Clay. At the same time, coming up with contents. Before they know it, 2 hours have passed. They start preparing to head out. 

Nick wearing a simple white t-shirt with a fire symbol with black jeans. Clay wearing his black Dream hoodie with grey sweatpants. George wearing wool long sleeves and black jeans. With that, they head out.

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