Chapter Twenty-One: Heat source

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By the time they finish eating, George could already feel the tiredness getting the better of him. He went to the living room to lie down on the couch after finishing washing his dishes as he ate finish first. His portion was a little mas; he doesn't really eat a lot due to his past. He ate enough, to say the least.

The moment he laid down on the couch, he could feel his conscience seeping away from him. Not even thirty seconds have passed since he laid down. He has already gone to sleep on the couch. 

He starts stirring when he sensed that something had swooped him up from the couch. However, it did not really repel to it as the cosiness he felt when being held against the person is just right for him to fall deeper, leaning in closer.

He was about to drift further into his slumber until he feels that he is being put down. The sense of comfiness disappeared along. At this point, he is ticked off that his heat source has disappeared. He let out a loud whimper to show his disapproval and whines out, "please come back.".

Almost immediately, he felt a light shuffle right beside him. He scoots closer to the sound. He heard chuckles but did not seem to be much bothered by it. 

He let out a slight moan when he finally found the right position to lay in. He suddenly feels someone twitches. Despite that, the sudden warmth on his back and someone playing with his hair makes him too relax even to be bothered about it. Furthermore, tomorrow is the day he finally can venture around Florida, and he needs lots of saved up energy for it.

He feels the most blessed right now and drifts off to the comfort of his surroundings.



Clay quickly gobbles down his food, so can he hang out with George in the living room.

"Slow down, you simp. What if you choke and die right now. I guess I can take care of George for you." Nick said absurdly, which cause Clay to scowls at him.

"Shut up. It's better than hanging out with you." Clay retorts, causing Nick to laugh.

"Whatever, simp."

Clay finally finishes his food and wash the plates, leaving Nick alone to scroll through his phone. Clay opens the door slowly, expecting George to sit up and watch some cartoons on the television. To his surprise, though, George is lying down with the television on. Clay wanted to frighten the small boy but halted before he could do anything, thinking.

Is he sleeping? I absolutely did not want to wake him up if he's sleeping. It has been quite a long day, after all.

Clay steps light towards the couch to take a sneak peek at whether George is really sleeping. To his relief, he is glad that he didn't decide to charge forward at George. 

George has fallen asleep. Look at his cute face.

Clay right now can be described to be ogling at George. He was just standing there, smiling and looking at the boy.

Clay did not even think that Nick is right beside him right now, surveying what is going on before pretending to make a gagging sound towards Clay which stops Clay's ogling, spooking Clay back to reality.

Clay turns around to gawk at Nick's smug look and whispers the word 'pervert' at him. He wants to counter back but looks at George. He shakes his head and instructs Nick to move away with his hands. With ease, he swoops George up and begins walking back to his room, hearing Nick snickering at the back.

He will get it later from me. George is so light for his age. I'm a little worried that he might not be eating enough. I'll make him eat more from now on.

Clay promised himself to make George eat more. 

Clay is cautious with George on his hand, trying not to make big movements as it might wake him up. Clay could feel George snuggling closer to him, which makes him beams.

They reached the room, putting George down slowly. Clay wanted to bathe since he hasn't bathed for a day, but he suddenly heard George's voice.

"Come back, please." The small boy whimpers out. He chuckles and decides to go to bed to comply with George's wish.

I'll bathe tomorrow since there's a needy baby right here.

The moment Clay lies down right beside George, George moves closer to him but, at the same time, made a really alluring sound that makes Clay jerk a bit.

What the heck was that. What the heck was that. What the freaking hell is that!? Why must he make such a sexy sound out of nowhere?

Clay is clearly freaking out by the sound that George made. Clay quickly covers a blanket around him and George. He puts his arm behind George's back and plays with George's hair to not think about it. After a few minutes, he calms down. He could feel himself dozing off as well. Slowly, he falls asleep as well, with George in his arms.

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