Chapter 4

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I love this fanart it's so ✨fetch✨

Hope you enjoy the chapter!

Also trigger warning the word f*g in this chapter. I usually sensor it but still :/

Bakugou's POV:




T-this was some stupid prank. It had to be. Or some...hallucination or some shit. I don't know... maybe the damn heat in this stuffy room was getting to me!

But, fuck, it wasn't. He was here. Right in front of me. Staring at me like he's seen a ghost with those damn puppy eyes. Though, I doubt I look any less surprised than he does. 

Before I can open my mouth to say anything, he's being dragged along by his family. The Old Man looks back at me, "Katsuki, are you okay? Do you need to step outside for a minute?" "No...fuck..." I turn back to were he was standing. I couldn't see that shit-head, there were too many people in the way, dammit, FUCK ALL THESE DAMN EXTRAS! SO MANY AS WELL! 

I groaned and ran a hand through my hair. What do I even do. The Old Man still looked a little concerned but brushes it off. Fuckin doesn't matter, what matters is what that pretty fucking twat is fucking doing here...

You know what, fucking no.

That shit-head decided to turn up at a fucking MAFIA event! If anything, he owes me a damn explanation!

And...I owe him one....sort of.

It's not like-ugh never-fucking-mind. The first thing I have to do is find the dumbass and get him away from his stupid family. Then have a proper conversation with him. 

I turned to the Old Man, "Hey I need to talk to someone, I'll be back later or some shit." He nodded at me and went to probably tell the damn hag. 

I took a deep breathe and began making my way through the crowd to find him. Fuck, why was I nervous? It's just him...just...

Scarlet eyes- A kiribaku mafia love storyWhere stories live. Discover now