Chapter 3

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Chapter threeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Okay lets get on with dis >:3

Also this is gonna be a lil short so sorry lmao life has been...tiring...

 Hope you enjoy!

No ones pov lmao:

Kirishima took a deep breath as he walked with his family through the large corridors. They were in a spacious mansion, coloured ivory and gold. The hallway had distasteful maroon carpet but it was made up for by the lamps that dotted the walls of the corridor. They were spheres of soft white light, held graciously in gold stands attached to the wall. The entire place reminded him of a palace. It was nice.

The four Kirishima's neared the door at the end of the corridor, soft jazz and muffled chatter getting gradually louder.

After muttering a few words of warning to his sons under his breath, Kirishima's father opened the doors and strode in, his wife obediently at his left and eldest trailing behind slightly on his right. Kirishima walked behind them, not wanting to draw any attention.

Just getting out the house was good enough for him. He wasn't able or allowed to get out much ever since he graduated and this was...amazing. An amazing change of scenery and that was, at this point, just what he needed. And damn, was this scenery. 

It was a great change from the marble, wood and dark decor of his miserable house. A great crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling, glass faceted balls giving off a bright glow to every corner of the room. The same lights from the hallway were on the walls of the vast hall. The piano was being played from the far right corner with other instruments settled beside it neatly, probably for later in evening. Drinks were being handed around and there were five doors, including the one he had just entered from which Kirishima could only assume were exits, entrances or doors to other rooms.

The red head looked in front of him, at his family. They were striding forward, power in their every step, seemingly forgetting the existence of everyone around them, including him. If the boy was lucky, he could manage to sneak off without being noticed for an hour or two to explore. 

Kirishima smiled slightly at the idea of being able to explore this big house and caught up to his family. There were a lot of people around him and it was slightly overwhelming due to the lack of social interaction he was provided with. Nevertheless, Kirishima was infamously an extrovert and was not too taken aback.

Kirishima quickly came to a realization as he looked around; he barely recognized any of these people. Kirishima knew he wouldn't but it was sort of strange how he was probably the only person in this room who knew so little about the mafia and the people in it. Who to avoid, who to trust, who to even look at. 

The red head's father suddenly spotted and made a bee-line towards a large man in a blue suit. Kirishima assumed he was a potential ally or a dealer or something and he followed his mother and brother who were walking slower but still after his father. Kirishima continued to scan the room till, a mafia family walked beside them. It wasn't unusual in a crowded room but something drew his eyes towards them. A mother, father and son. Surprisingly small for a mafia family but Kirishima could have sworn he-

Scarlet eyes locked with ones equally as red.

The ash-blonde hair.

The slight scowl on his lips.

His eyes

Scarlet eyes- A kiribaku mafia love storyWhere stories live. Discover now