- Chapter Three -

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Thoughts are wrote like this

TW: Angst, other?


Tommy's POV:

I opened the car door and sat down in the back. Tubbo sat beside me while Wilbur drove. I looked down at my arms. Crap the bandages are showing! I pulled down the sleeves of my hoodie and curled into a ball.

I decided that I should take a nap until we get there. Right before I was going to drift of, Wilbur blasted his band's song, Taunt. "Wilbur!" I yelled. "Shut up gremlin child, listen to my masterpiece." "Oh you shut up! This songs sucks anyways!" Tubbo was dying next to me. Wilbur remained silent. Did I go to far..? "I-I'm sorry Wil.. It's a really good song.." I said barely loud enough to hear. "Tommy, you didn't have to apologize? I knew you were joking.." Oh.

"We're here!" Wilbur shouted when we got there. "Now we just have to get on the plane!" He said. I groaned before getting out of the car.

(I have never been on a plane so I'm sorry if this is wrong ;-;)

After waiting for a while, we finally boarded and sat down in our seats.

I was next to the isle. Wilbur was by the window and Tubbo was in the middle. I took out my phone and decided to look at twitter. After about five minutes, I was only reading hate. I had the phone angled away from Tubbo so that they couldn't see. The only problem was that I was on the verge of tears.

"Hey, Big T, are you okay..? You look like your going to cry.." Tubbo said. "O-oh.. Yeah I'm fine don't worry about it." A little bit after that I closed my phone and fell asleep.

When I woke up we had landed. I had woken up in an embarrassing position. Tubbo was hugging me, also asleep, and I was leaning into him. It was nice because I trust and love Tubbo. He is like my BROTHER. I decided to pretend to still be asleep to avoid embarrassment. It worked until Wilbur woke Tubbo up and they debated on who should wake me up.

After a little bit of fighting, they decided that Tubbo would do it because I'm closer to him. I was trying really hard not to smile. Tubbo hugged me tight and then let go. He tried to maneuver me to be in slouched in my seat but I decided to be difficult. I pretended to stir. Tubbo panicked and I couldn't hold my laughter any longer. I opened my eyes and laughed until it hurt.

Eventually we had to get off the plane. We ended up meeting Ranboo in the airport. When we had first found him I was surprised how tall he was. Tubbo ran into him and latched himself onto him. He likes Ranboo more than me, for sure. He never streams with me one on one anymore. The fans like him better too.. Just then I felt a tap on my shoulder. I flinched away. "Tommy? Are you okay..?" It was Ranboo. "Y-yeah.. I got lost in my thoughts, don't worry about it." He looked at me with a worried expression. Then he turned to Wilbur and whispered something in his ear.

We left 5-10 minutes later and started driving to the address Dream sent us. I was in the the back, in the middle. Ranboo was on one side of me and Tubbo was on the other. I got really tired and decided to take a nap.

Ranboo's POV:

I looked over at Tommy and he had fallen asleep. He looked so peaceful. A few minutes later a felt a weight in my shoulder. I looked over and Tommy had his head resting on my shoulder. I took out my phone and snapped a picture. Right after, Tommy curled into me. I froze. Tommy doesn't like me as far as I know. When he wakes up I am going to die. Until then, I decided that I might as well enjoy the moment. I wrapped my arms around him and started playing with his hair.

An hour later we decided to pull up to a McDonald's. I shook Tommy awake, preparing to get yelled at. When he did wake up though, he just kind of sat there. He didn't move away or anything. Eventually, I spoke up. "Hey Tommy, we're at McDonalds, what do you want?" he grumbled. "I'm not hungry." Wilbur turned over to look at him. "You are. What do you want." Tommy glared at him. He didn't respond to Wilbur, instead he buried his face into my chest and tried to go back to sleep. Wilbur groaned and decided to just pick something for him.

When we got to the house, both Tubbo and Tommy were asleep. Wilbur and I decided to carry them so that they could get some rest. I carried Tommy because I was closest to him, and Wilbur carried Tubbo. When we got inside, we put them down, found our rooms, and pasted out.
Thanks for reading!

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