Who Are You?

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Do not be fooled by the smile,

He has not dispelled that illusion for a while,

It serves to hide more sinister things,

You cannot understand what solitude brings,

A silence mind-numbingly loud, 

He tries to mask it from within a crowd,

But despite his efforts it did not avail,

For crowds will leave and the silence will prevail,

He secretly lives from lie to lie,

Always pausing to ask himself why,

He imagines unburdening every now and then,

His only confessions were through the pen,

Who would listen and not leave in disgust,

You are weak and have betrayed my trust,

Staring down the reflecting glass,

With desperation, “Who are you?” he asks,

He knew all remnants of him had died,

When mind-numbingly loud silence was the only reply.

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