Be With You - 27

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Ha Chae Yoon and Im Cheol-Ryung left work early for the doctor's appointment she had scheduled. Nervous, anxious and excited were some of the words that came to mind if she needed to describe their trip to the hospital.

She held his hand all the way, only releasing his grip when her vitals needed to be checked, but otherwise she retained her hold on him while they waited to be called.

"Your hands are cold," he noticed. Rubbing them together, he blew into her palms before kissing them.

"I'm scared that something might be wrong," Ha Chae Yoon said. Holding her belly with one hand, she whispered, "Please be okay."

When Ha Chae Yoon was called, Im Cheol-Ryung stood back, uncertain if she wanted him with her while she was consulting with the doctor.

"Let's go?" she asked simply, making him smile as he happily joined her inside the consultation room.

"How may I help you today?" the specialist asked.

Ha Chae Yoon felt her cheeks heat up because she never uttered the words before, but now she had to in front of a complete stranger and the man she loved the most. "I wanted to have a check up because... I think I'm pregnant."

Im Cheol-Ryung had an inkling but to hear it from Chae Yoon, and see her face quietly happy, filled him with a joy he could not describe. But, first things were first, they needed a confirmation.

The doctor asked what Chae Yoon had been feeling and he was happy to note that they were all symptoms he noted as well. She added, feeling sad for a moment, "But it's been barely a month since my last monthly period so I... I'm not sure if I really am..."

The kind doctor smiled at her. "Let's run some tests to be sure."

"Can my fiancé stay?!" Chae Yoon asked, slightly panicked.

"Of course," the doctor said. "Will this be your first pregnancy if ever?"

Ha Chae Yoon nodded, shyly. "I really want to have a baby with him," she added pointing to Cheol-Ryung.

Hiding his grin, he gently reprimanded, "Stop being so cute. Listen to the doctor."

Once the tests were in, the doctor smiled and told them the good news. They were having a baby.

Ha Chae Yoon's eyes widened at the Obstetrician, then turned to Im Cheol-Ryung before she gently touched her stomach. Im Cheol-Ryung, for his part, was just staring at her and everything Ha Chae Yoon was doing, too stunned to do or say anything.

The doctor continued, "Based on what you said, you're very early... about 4 weeks, so I would suggest to be careful in the coming weeks."

The next things they were told were focused on the care that Ha Chae Yoon would need and things to look out for, all of which were written down by Im Cheol-Ryung to make sure he did not forget anything.

"Doctor, we're both in law enforcement," Im Cheol-Ryung asked. "Is there any precaution we could do to make sure both Chae Yoon and baby would be safe?"

Ha Chae Yoon was grateful that he asked because she was starting to fear saying the question out loud. "I'll ask for a transfer if I need to," she added.

"Some activity should be fine. Even working out is okay. Just observe your body and don't push yourself if it becomes too uncomfortable," the doctor suggested.

"Okay," Ha Chae Yoon sighed. "Uhm.... how about... because we're getting married soon and already have our honeymoon booked..."

"And you're riding a plane?" the doctor asked.

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