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I was reading wattpad in my room, when Jisung knocked on my door, I told him to come in and he went inside and closed the door.

"Y/niee, how's your leg?" He asked "The doctor said that it's almost healed. Why?" I asked

"Uhmm....well, you see.....Yumi and I.....well.....we already confessed to each other last night and---"

"WHAT?! REALLY? OH MY GOSSSHHH!!!!!" I cutted him and squealed loudly

"So, are you a couple now?" I asked and wiggled my eyebrows

"N-not yet, I still didn't ask her out" he said while scratching his back, and my smiley face turned into a poker face

"You know? You're a coward" I said and continued reading wattpad

"I know! I just-- ugh, help me pleaseeee" he said while shaking my arms and pouted

"Ugh, what will I do? Tell her to ask you out?" I raised my eyebrows

"No! Just tell her to meet me at the park tomorrow at 5" he said

"Ask her yourself" I said and covered my face with the blanket, trying to sleep

"Y/n-ah! If you won't help me, then I won't buy you everything that has panda design!" He said and I removed the blanket and stared at him boredly

"Fine, Tomorrow at the park at exactly 5.....Got it, now shoo I'mma sleep now" I said and covered my face back with the blanket, and he turned the lights off and went outside.

The next day~

I was walking through the hallways with Soobin helping me, because I still can't walk properly. Then Soojin, Yumi, and Beomgyu ran to us, while Yeonjun, Huening Kai, Taehyun and Jungwon walked behind us.

"Y/nieeeee, how's your leg?" Soojin asked

"It's almost healed Soojin-ah" I said and smiled

We arrived at the front of our classroom.

"Ah, Yumi....Can you go to the park later at 5PM? Someone wants to talk to you later, he said it's very important" I said

"Oh, Okay....Can you go with me?" She asked

"I wish I could, but me and Soobin are running some errands today." I lied

"O-oh, okay" She smiled

"Well, I'll go now" I said and waved

As I arrive at my table, I saw Soobin resting on his head on the table, I could say that he didn't have enough sleep. So I let him sleep and wake him up once the professor arrives.

The class was very noisy, when the principal came in and the whole class went quiet. Uncle can be strict in school sometimes, but he's very cheerful when there's no classes.

"So, since your prof isn't here, I'm gonna announce something and I know, that all of you will love this announcement" he said and smiled, while the class looked at him full of curiosity.

I slowly shook Soobin's body so he would wake up, and luckily he's a light sleeper so he woke up immediately.

"This week, we'll be having a foundation program, so the campus will have a lot of booths, and also we will have contests of singing, dancing, and others. And! After this week, we'll have a camping on Jeju Island!" He said and the class went wild, I smiled widely because it's been awhile since I went to Jeju Island.

"So here's a parent's consent, make sure to show this to your parents and if they agree, tell them to write their signature below. Well that's all for now, I'll go now.......Oh and also your professor for 2nd period is also absent, so you may now take your recess" he said and left and the class went wild again.

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