(Season 2) Chapter 9: Christmas!!

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Peter: What the??

I see someone laying on pool of blood, when I got closer I horrified of what I saw.

Peter: Celine!!!


I backed away.

Imane: Pete!!!!

I hear Imane yell.

Peter: What!?!

Imane: Why weren't you there, you let her die. This all your fault.

Peter: No, wait pls don't leave!!!

She Fades always. When I turn around I see Rae.

Peter: Ah! Rae thank God it's you.

Rae: Don't talk to me!!!! You got Celine killed, this all your fault.

Peter: What no, pls I'm sorry.

I kept hearing all the voices of all my friends my girlfriend, they kept screaming, " It's all your Fault" I covered my ears but I kept hearing it. I just wanted it to end.

Peter: Pls stop. I'm sorry!!! Pls forgive me.

Then all my enemies appear. They all rushed towards me and I tried to get away, but I kept getting pulled back and slammed kicked and punched and thrown all over. Then Rhino with two fists slammed me and I went through the floor. As I was falling slowly I heard a very sinister voice.

???: Peter.....

Peter: Pls...... no.

???: Your struggling, to have everything you want, while the world tries to make you choose


Then I realized.

Peter: ...... Goblin!

Green Goblin: Hahahahahahah!!!!

Peter: You died!

Goblin: I'm very much alive Peter.... In here and out there.

Peter: How is this possible?! How did you get in my head!?!

Goblin: Amazing what technology can do these days Huh Parker.

I got tied down by vines.

Peter: What do you want!?! Why are you doing this!?

Goblin: Because I want you to die. My rage for you is the only thing keeping me going.

Goblin: But don't worry. I'll make sure your friend has a nice and quick death.

Me knowing who he meant I tried breaking out but the vines only grew tighter.

All I could hear now was my name being called out by everyone I knew.

Goblin: And when I kill your friend, I'll be sure to return the favor to you.

His glider pulled out the blades that he got impaled with, then the goblin with full acceleration headed towards me and the voices calling my name grew louder and as soon I was I about to be Impaled......

(Nightmare end)
Peter: Nooooooo!!

Imane: Pete! Oh thank, shshsh, it's ok.

Peter: He's alive, he's alive!

Imane: Ok baby, calm down take deep breaths.

Peter: Imane I can't calm down when the Goblin is still out there.

Imane: Didn't he die. How do you know that he's still alive, how do you know that this isn't all just some trick playing in your head?

Peter: Because it felt too real! Babe, I saw Celine. She died because of me.

Spider-Man X Pokimane. The Girl I needed.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu