Season 2) Chapter 8: Taskmaster

Start from the beginning

Taskmaster: What disappointment! I thought you would put up more of a fight!

Then I slipped him over and pinned him down.

Spider-Man: Really? I was just about to say the same for you?

He got angrier and managed to get me off him. He then grabbed me and threw across the room.

Taskmaster: I've been studying you every move. And can now predict your next move.

When I tried to hit him he dodged every attack. I couldn't hit him. He then began beating me hard. Smashing my head through the walls and onto the floor. He then hit me right on ribs.

Spider-Man: Ah!!

He then began taking advantage and kicked me around. He threw punch after punch after punch. Until couldn't get up anymore. He then grabbed me and dragged me upstairs.

(Imane POV)
I was upstairs with everyone else. Everyone was scared, and so was I. Then the door was being broken down. Once the guys broke it down. We saw him drag Peter in.

Taskmaster: Get a good look.

He grabbed Peter by the head and took off his mask.

Taskmaster: Peter Parker thought he could defeat me?

Imane: Hey, pls.... Let him go.

Nade: Look what do you want?

Taskmaster: You wanna know what I really want.

He takes out his sword.

Taskmaster: I want to leave my mark.

He says as he cuts a T on Peter's cheek.

Taskmaster: You know, I want to be the next best thing.

Peter: So what.... You, cough* wanna be a hero?

Peter says while coughing up blood. Then Taskmaster chuckles.

Taskmaster: No....... Hero's dies, more like. The man...... who killed Spider-Man.

Imane: No pls! Stop.

He was about to stab Peter but then Miles came in.

Miles: Hey man!

Taskmaster: Ugh* Your really starting to piss me off.

They both start battling out. For the majority of the fight Miles had the advantage. Then Miles finally delivered a final blow.

Taskmaster: Agh* you- ugh* I'll end you Spider-Man! One way!

He pick up Peter

Taskmaster: Or Another!

Then he slashed he's chest.

Peter: Ahhh!

Miles then charged at him but then Taskmaster threw a smoke bomb and disappeared.

Imane: Baby! Are you ok. Are you alive?

Peter: Groan* kind of- Coughing*

Imane: Ok ok, slow down and breath alright, your gonna be fine

I tried hugging him but he only felt even more pain.

Peter: Hold up, agh* grunt* something hurts really bad. And it's not my ribs.

I looked around his body and saw that he got penetrated right on the side on the stomach.

Peter: Tell me Imane, is it bad.

Imane: No not all. We just gotta take you to a hospital.

Miles: no we can't!

Rae: Why not he's bleeding out.

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