Imane: Hey Rae.

Rae: Oh hey Imane, did you just wake up.

Imane: I woke up a few minutes ago. I'm just wondering do know where Peter is.

Rae: Oh yeah. He had to go stop a bomb threat.

Imane: Oh.

I've never told Peter but, I don't like it when he goes on crazy missions like this. It gets me nervous. I really don't want to lose him, I just love him too much too see him get hurt.

Rae: Imane it's gonna be alright. Im sure Peter is going to be as safe as he can.

Imane: I hope so. Let me call hi- OMG! Why didn't I just call him.

Rae: I mean you did just wake a few minutes ago, maybe your still not fully awake yet.

Anyways I call Peter in hopes that he answers.

Peter: Hey babe!

Imane: Hey Pete, where are you currently.

Peter: I'm just out here exploring the city.

Imane: Rae said something about a Bomb threat?

Peter: Oh yeah I did that too.

Imane: Pls tell me your ok.

Peter: Yes babe I'm fine, I know how you get when I do missions like this.

Imane: Im sorry. I just really love you and I don't want you getting hurt so much.

Peter: Aw, well if it makes you feel any better im actually on my way home right now.

Imane: Ok just be careful on the way back.

Peter: Yep, just let me look around bit more and I'll be heading back home.

Imane: Ok, well bye I love you so much.

Peter: I love you more.

I giggle and hang up the phone. I'm just glad he's ok.

(Time skip)
(Peter POV)
I make it back home it was 12:57 am, I stayed out longer than I needed to but at least I'm home. I crawled in through the window not trying to deal with the front desk. I take off my suit and get changed into something comfortable, I walk in the bedroom and see Imane sleeping, I crawl in next to her and wrap my arms around her. She then turns around wraps her arms around me and cuddles closer to me.

Imane: What took you so long?

She said in a tired voice.

Peter: It was a longer night than expected. First  I was looking around making sure everything was good then next thing I knew I was stopping a truck with a bomb in it, stopping 2 bank robbery's, chasing 4 get away cars, and fighting 16 guys at the same time.

Imane: Jeeeez, and I got tired from unpacking.

Peter: Chuckles* yeah, but hey at least I'm home.

Imane: Yes, your home safe in my arms.

I give her a kiss Goodnight and we both fall asleep in each other's arms.

(Next Morning)
(Peter POV)
I wake up and it's 9:43 am, Imane is still sleeping hugging me tight. I try'd my best to sneak out but obviously she woke up.

Imane: Where are you going?

She asks in a tired voice.

Peter: Just need to get up and stretch.

Imane: Are you getting up now?

Peter: Yep.

Imane: Nooo, not yet.

Spider-Man X Pokimane. The Girl I needed.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें