Chapter 27: Some Good Things End

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H.E.R song😊😌
________________________________Narrators POV:(different ik but I wanted to try it)
After Lexa told Clarke what she had witnessed, Clarke broke down...literally. Clarke started to feel anger rise from within and her hands started to shake. Clarke was having an emotional breakdown. Clarke shot up from her seat breathing and Lexa immediately rised from her seat and was by Clarke's side in an instant. "Clarke...I don't really know what to say to get you to calm down right now...but I know that this is a really crappy situation that we're in right now. I really tried to stay mad at Luna for even thinking of kissing Raven while she was in a relationship but she looked so...broken and upset. I know in my heart she would replay the moment if she could." Lexa finished. "It sounds like you knew exactly what to say,Lexa." Clarke said, sounding defeated. Lexa sighed and guided Clarke out of the coffee shop, ignoring the stares from confused customers. Once they got in the car, Clarke immediately looked out the window and didn't show any signs of wanting to talk. Lexa just started the car and drove away.
About twenty minutes later, both of the women arrived at the campus. Lexa got out first and opened Clarke's door, (which was greatly appreciated) then helped her out of her car. "I'm really sorry to be the one to tell you about your friends but-" Clarke immediately cut Lexa off. "There's nothing to be sorry for. Both of my friends were clearly aware of there actions and I'm extremely grateful that you've told me, Lexa." Clarke said. Lexa looked into Clarke's eyes, as if searching for something. After a good thirty seconds, Lexa sighed and nodded. "No offense...but that sounded really unconvincing to me. But I'll let it go because I know you're going through a lot at the moment." Clarke lowly chuckled which made Lexa's knees weak and murmured a small "thanks". "I'll stay here to make sure you get in safe. I would go in with but that would look...bad." Lexa said awkwardly. Clarke laughed nervously and nodded.
Lexa watched Clarke carefully cross the street towards her building and swipe her card. She very discreetly waved at Lexa before her figure disappeared.
Clarke Griffin POV:
Once I entered the building, I headed for the elevator and pressed the top floor. Once it arrived, I took a deep breathe and stepped out, wondering how I was going to tell Octavia the information I had been told.
Before I entered the key I heard yelling and violent footsteps around the room. I carefully opened the door and was totally caught off guard with what I found.

It was Raven and Octavia arguing.
"So you cheated on me! Come on! Just because I was busy...y-you ch-cheated on me..." Raven said, sounding broken. "Okay okay...I obviously get that I was wrong a-and that I shouldn't have reciprocated the kiss BUT! Don't go putting all the blame on me when you were locking lips with some...some dumb girl!" Octavia yelled outraged. "Luna isn't and never will be a dumb girl, Octavia. So don't EVER talk about her that way." Raven said calmly. "Yeah well sorry my GIRLFRIEND cheated on me." Octavia said while plopping on the couch. "Yeah well I wasn't the only one who was cheating so... so maybe it's best we aren't girlfriends anymore..." Raven said trailing off. My eyes widened in shock. "Wh-what do you mean?" Octavia asked, eyes wide. "I mean that we both cheated on each other Octavia. Look...there are things that I'm involved in that would make this (Raven gestured better the two of them) impossible. So maybe it's best if we break up. Y'know meet other people and see where it goes...okay?" Raven asked, fiddling with her fingers. Octavia shot up from the couch and crushed Raven into a hug. "Okay." She whispered softly. Raven eventually hugged back and the two looked at peace.

"Well that definitely isn't what I expected to come home to..." I said, eyes wide and really shocked. They both froze and Octavia broke the hug. "Clarke! H-how long have you been standing there?" Octavia said frozen like a deer in headlights. "Long enough to hear the most important parts. I'm proud of the both of you...I think. But does this mean I can't bring you two around each other anymore or..." Raven cut me off. "No! Not at all. I would be a fool to cut Octavia out of my life completely. So I'd be perfectly fine if you want to hang out." Raven said eyes not leaving Octavia's. The sentence seemed more directed at Octavia then at me. Octavia turned to me and agreed enthusiastically. "Okay...well I'm going to bed because it was a weird day so... goodnight." I said while making a beeline for my room. I set my alarm, changed into my pajamas and I was asleep before my head even hit the pillow.
A/N: Thanks for over 210 votes and 4K reads! Sorry for not updating. (I usually update every 3-6 days depending on my schedule)
A/N: 877 words

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