Chapter 10: Old wounds

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Lexa Woods POV:
Time: 10:30pm
I had awoken to the sound of my phone going crazy with notifications. "What the heck is going on?" I asked myself. It had taken a few seconds to adjust my eyes to the light of my phone, but when they did, my eyes opened in complete shock. The messages had all been general ones to all students and "teachers", even though I'm a freaking mafia leader. I was quickly back on track and before I knew it I was throwing on my jeans and shirt, thinking of only one person. "It was my job to keep her safe god dammit." I muttered to myself. Once I was completely dressed I grabbed the basic weapons that couldn't be seen in the dark without a flashlight. I had taken two hand guns, a few knives and bear spray. I grabbed the keys to my car and sped off as fast as I could to the campus. As I was on my way there, I got a call from one of my agents/childhood friend, Luna she's like a sister to me. "Hello?" I asked. "Hey listen I need you to get down to the college, Ramerez knocked out two of our guards and escaped so-" "So the school sent general announcements to all the teachers and students. According to the messages the police are on their way." I said quickly interrupting her, letting her know I knew what was happening. "Dang ok, I just need you to get him and get out. If the cops are already on their  way then this whole mission could be jeopardized Woods." She said, stating the bloody obvious. "Listen, I've been doing this for too long now. I know what to do." I said frustrated at the red light that was prolonging my time to get to the campus and save Clarke. "Okay, let me know when you've got him, over and out." Then the line went dead. Once I pulled up to campus, I pulled out my mask and put it on. First, I scouted the main building. Nothing. Next, I scouted around buildings one, two and three. There was nothing besides poorly hidden teens. Realization hit me like a ton of bricks when I realized that Ramerez also had access to the same files I did before he got fired.
"Woods, I would like to congratulate you for your 100th case." My father said with a warm smile. "It was nothing, I'm just glad we got justice for the smith's." I said, proud of myself for completing yet another mission. "Well, a mafia leaders work is never done. I have another mission for you. Briefing is in the morning love." My father said. I smiled and turned to walk out the door. But before I could completely exit my father had informed me that Ramon Ramerez would be joining me, he was the one my father trusted more than anything, he was like a brother to me. That's why it felt I wouldn't be able to breathe after I was informed that he was the one who pulled the trigger that ended my fathers life. After that Ramerez escaped and I became Heda. That's what my father was often called.
End of flashback:
Ramerez is still a huge threat to my mafia because he knows our secrets. Not even mentioning the fact that he's protected by Nia, my family's greatest enemy. But now was my chance to get him, not only to make him pay for my fathers death, but to make him spill azgeda's secrets. I made my way to building four. Stepping quickly but quietly to be sure he wouldn't hear me when I was approaching. Then I heard a gunshot and a scream. Then another. And Another. I kept creeping to the direction that they were coming from, getting closer and closer until I saw him. He was walking into some dorm room with his gun in his hand. I was about to walk in to the room and attack him, until I saw those captivating long locks. She looked terrified. I was being rushed as I heard sirens finally arriving, getting closer to the building. Whatever I was gonna do, I was gonna have to do it fast.
A/N: 720 words

Blurring the Lines (A Clexa x Mafia x college AU)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن