Chapter 16: Explanations

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A/N: you should start the sad song when you see the sign and the ^^'s😁
________________________________Lexa Woods POV:
After I had grabbed Clarke and ran, we were in the middle of nowhere. Although, I had been here before, the outside was a whole different story. I had eventually found a highway, thanks to following the direction of a few cars that had passed by us. Once we got to the highway I had whistled at a nearby cab that was coming up and we got in.

Clarke Griffin POV:
I had been walking behind Ms.Woods for what seemed like forever until she had abruptly stopped, almost making me smack into her back. Turns out she had called a cab over. Once it arrived, she opened the door in the back for me and I yanked my hand out of her softened grip and got in the back. She had a look of sympathy and hurt on her face before shutting the door. She got in and instructed the taxi driver to find the nearest motel.
It had been about an hour before the taxi driver found a suitable motel for us to stay in. We checked in and the lady at the front desk gave us our room number. "Floor five, room 42 b" she said. Next thing I know, Ms.Woods was leading me towards an elevator.

Lexa Woods POV:
"Once we get into the room and shower, I'll explain everything and answer any questions you have okay?" I said glancing at Clarke. All she did was nod and mumble a quiet "okay". Once the elevator dinged, Clarke stepped out and walked to our room. I grabbed the key from my pocket and opened the door. The hotel was an exceptional sized place. I asked Clarke if she wanted to shower first, she said nothing, just nodded and walked into the bathroom where a new set of clothes should've been waiting for her. I say on the couch waiting for Clarke to get out of the shower.

About twenty minutes had gone by before she had came out of the bathroom. Her blonde hair was damp and she had jeans and a t-shirt on. She mumbled a quiet "all yours" as she sat on the other side of the couch, opposite of me. I nodded and went into the bathroom to shower. Once I got out, I changed my clothes and stepped out of the bathroom. Clarke was just sitting there, staring as I moved to sit beside her. She scooted away a little, which hurt but right now wasn't the time to bring that up.

"I imagine you have questions?" I asked after clearing my throat and disregarding my thoughts. She nodded. "Ask away." I said. "Who are you?" She asked, still avoiding eye contact. I sighed heavily before I started talking. "My full name is Alexandria Forest Woods and I am the current commander or "heda" of the American Mafia." I said. Clarke's reaction remained nonexistent. "Who were those people?" She asked. I took a deep breath before starting. "They are also part the mafia business. They call themselves Azgeda. They were originally the Irish mafia, but after Queen Nia got word that her mother was alive and in America, she came here. Which also seemed to be perfect timing for her since she had started getting bored of the Irish anyway. They came to America to start "fresh" with a new set of people to terrorize. What she didn't know, was that my father had killed Nia's mother for disrespecting him. Let's just say that her daughters arrival with her mafia was not appreciated by my father. He pushed them out of his territory and they came to an agreement of some sort, but you could still feel the bad blood between the two." Even after all of that Clarke's facial expression still remained the same, to be honest I was surprised she hadn't lashed out by now. "So why are you at a normal college pretending to be a teacher?" She asked. I briefly closed my eyes. That was the one question that would be the hardest to explain. "M-my father wanted me to watch over you once he passed, until we took down Azgeda and anybody else trying to hurt you. It was my father's only request in his will." Clarke looked confused. "Why the heck would people be after me? I'm just a normal college student the last time I checked." She said. I sighed.
Start song here:^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

"Clarke... you're father was one of my fathers best friends, and your father... he got into some pretty dangerous stuff. Pissed off the wrong people sometimes. Your father didn't die in the army, Clarke. Your father died a hero." I said, seeing Clarke trying to wrap her head around everything. "So how did he really die?" She asked. "Clarke, are you sure you want me to tel-" I didn't finish my sentence because Clarke interrupted it with an eager "yes". So, I got to talking. "It was a dark night, your father had come over to ours for dinner. They were talking about mafia business while I was upstairs in my room training with my mentor, Anya. All of a sudden I heard the door slam. I ran downstairs to see my father heading into his office, screaming orders at the bodyguards. My father's people had detected a bomb in the airport, placed by Nia's mother. Your father was the first on the scene. He disarmed the bomb undetected and was about to leave when all of the camera feed from the airport cut out. When it cut back on, you're father was gone. My father looked for months, trying to find him and trying to keep you and your mother safe by keeping you in the dark. It was about a week later before we received his body in a body bag." I finished. "I-I think I understand." She said, looking stronger and even more unemotional than before. "There are worse people that could've gotten to you than Azgeda, Clarke." I said. All she did was nod.

Clarke Griffin POV:
After hearing the story I was definitely angry, but I understood. My father always was a good man. Speaking of family, mom and Octavia are probably freaking out right now. I also had no idea about what we were going to do. I mean, we can't just stay in this hotel for the rest of our lives. "So what now? Octavia and my mom are probably worried sick about me not to mention that I just can't drop out of school, and you can't just automatically stop teaching it either Ms.Woods?!" I say super confused. She quickly calms me down by reassuring me that everything will be okay in the soothing voice of hers and says "that's why I'm going to make a few phone calls to some of my people. As far as you go right now, it's your decision whether you out us all to the public or not. I trust you'll make the right decision. And from now on, please, call me Lexa." She says, while patiently waiting on my answer. "I won't tell, but can you make sure that my mom and Octavia know that I'm okay and not...y'know dead in a ditch somewhere?" I say. She smiled and says "of course Clarke, I'm going to leave now to go downstairs to make said calls, it may take a few, but I'll come back with some food and a new set of clothes for tomorrow okay?" She asked. I look at her emerald and forest-like eyes and nod. She smiled again and then gets up to walk to the door. She stops on her way out and leans on the doorframe, back facing me. "Do you still trust much as you used to, Clarke?" She asked extremely softly, still not facing me. "Definitely not as much, but I do still very much trust you Ms.W-...Lexa." I say. She tilts her head back towards me and smirks as she walked out of the doorframe, closing the door behind her.
A/N: This one was a REALLY long chapter for me to write.😂😅
A/N: 1394 words
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