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PURPLE BELT / 1200 WORDS: I love Greek mythology, especially everything about the Trojan war. I know this isn't accurate to the "original" story, but I like it this way. One day I'm gonna write a full story with Hector as the main character, coz he's so underrated and got such a big heart.

Hector of Troy stood tall and proud in front of his small army. His dark blond hair was ruffled by the wind that made the heath of the summer bearable. His large and muscular figure towered over most of his soldiers, giving an almost godly impression. For most of his soldiers, he resembled just that – a young, undestroyable god.

Only those who knew the crown prince of Troy well, were aware of how the man was truly feeling underneath the mask he wore for his men. Dark circles adorned his eyes, and the corners of his mouth were slightly downcast. The past years had changed the once young and spirited man to a tired and exhausted soldier. Nine years of war certainly left marks.

As Hector now watched his men in front of him, he asked himself once again, if the war was truly worth it. He loved his kingdom and everything that came with it. His heart swell just by thinking about it. But the men in front of him were few and all of them were tired and hopeless. One after one his men had died, his army lessened with every battle fought on those dry and dreary lands.

He felt his throat tighten when he looked at his men, knowing some of them would not return to their city tonight. Still, he did not drop the mask on his face. He would not do that, never. The responsibility of the crown that he would inherit soon, weighted hard on his shoulders, but it made him strong too.

He took a deep breath, pushing all his fears and thoughts aside. It was time, the sun had already begun to rise.

"Men of Troy, my brothers! Again, we are standing here at the gate of our city, facing our enemies. The oracles of Apollo foretold of todays battle. A great difference shall be made today, and I intend to make it for our best. Let us fight side by side again. Let us win this battle, so we will win the war. For Troy! For our home!"

Battle cries answered him, his men rose their weapons in the air. Their faces were filled with determination. Hector knew that each one of them would fight till their last breath. The long-lasting battle had brought the city together like nothing else could. They were brothers, family. They would fight for their prince, like Hector would fight for them. Hope and pride filled his heart. His love for his people was endless.

Hector turned around to face the gates, which began to open slowly. A dark blue and cloudless sky greeted him, before the gates revealed the dry lands that spun from the city walls to the sandy beach. 10 years ago, that land had been green and fertile. But the countless battles, corps, and careless stomping feet of soldiers had made them barren. The only animals left living in the short and hard grass were flies and crows.

Hector barely glanced at the dull landscape; his gaze landed on the approaching army instead. He knew that army almost as well as his own. He recognised faces. Some of them he knew by name.

The prince let out a silent sight. None of these men were at fault. Not his own men, not those soldiers on the opposite side. The men who started this war were safely behind the lines, not caring for the soldiers destined to die.

Hector finally spotted Achilles. The tall Greek made his way to the front line, surrounded by his own men, all wearing dark clothing and carrying sharp weapons. Hector's heart grew heavy when he saw the expression on Achilles' face. Anger and pain were shown plainly on it. Hector knew the wrath was directed towards him and only him. Achilles' companion had died by Hectors hands.

As expected, it was Achilles who led the Greek into battle. He charged forward, towards the prince with the force of someone who had lost the love of his life.

For a second, Hector hesitated. Everything in his being detested the war. He was a soldier, but this fight was wrong. He would have gladly given his life for this war to end and for his people to survive. But, at the end, he was only a prince. He held no power on the battlefield.

The memory of his loved one, of his child appeared in his mind. He felt the presence of his men, his soldiers behind him and he didn't hesitate any longer. He took another deep breath. Then he rose his sword and shouted a loud "Attack!"

His feet began moving on their own, his body readied itself. The sword lifted high; he faced the men that were destinated to be his enemies instead of his brothers.

He sliced through bodies, pushed swords and spears aside, ducked and attacked. Hector was a force to be reckoned with. Without knowing it himself, his appearance gave his men courage, gave them hope. The Trojans faced the Greeks with the same force, repelling the army slightly.

While Hector looked godly, Achilles was actually a child of a god. While Hector's heart was filled with love, Achilles' was filled with hate and revenge. He had lost what he loved most and was now determined to make the prince pay. Slowly he blazed a trail through the fighting armies towards the prince of Troy, his dark eyes filled with pain and a frown on his face.

Hector's blade was stopped before it could hit the neck of a young Greek. A bloody blade crossed his. The prince turned to face Achilles. He had known, feared, this would happen.

The Greek didn't waste a second to attack Hector. He didn't even spare a glance to his fellow comrade that he had just saved from death. All the demigod could see was the tall prince in front of him.

Hector paraded Achilles' attacks, his sword always right in time to stop the blade. He didn't charge himself, instead he let the demigod take out all his anger and pain on him. Achilles might have been his enemy, but Hector couldn't help but pity him. Achilles didn't have a family in his army like Hector did. Achilles' only family had just died.

The noise of the battlefield around them drowned out every other sound, even the loud thunder on the cloudless sky. The gods had decided. They had seen enough of the endless war and knew only one way to stop it.

An invisible force grabbed Hector's ankle, making the prince loose fitting for a short second. It was enough for a skilled warrior like Achilles, who was overpowered by the endless pain raging through his body.

Achilles' sword pierced through Hector's heart. The pain blinded Hector, as he fell to the ground, his sword landing out of reach.

All sounds were gone as the prince laid in his own blood, his heart beating one last time. His eyes took in the azure-coloured sky one last time, thinking, that even if everything would burn, the sky would still look the same over Troy. 

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