Darkness- A Twisted Dream

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12 year-old Christine sits up quickly in bed, as if she'd just had a nightmare. I watch her walk over to me and give me a hug... And I feel something very sharp dig into my back. I gasp.

"Only one of can have this home," she whispers, smiling murderously. "I'm sure it won't leave now."

The room falls into blackness. I wake up in a different room. I'm back in my home. Christine, now grown up, sleeos next to me. A memory. But... it's different. Sweeter. Christine smiles in her sleep and everything seems... right. I notice a ring on her finger. My ring. It's beautiful.

The vision fades into another. I'm back in the room with 12 year old Christine. Back when I told her to come to me. That I'd never leave her. But she's different.... She's someone else... someone I know from my childhood. Rosetta. My childhood romantic interest, the girl who inspired me to love roses. She seems so far away. I feel lonely.

The vision shatters and is replaced by yet another memory. Christine stands on the other side of a gap. It was the time she'd followed me onto the catwalk above the stage. The platform had broken on both sides of her.

"Just one giant leap," I had urged.

The girl jumps and the memory quickly swirls into darkness. I wake up again, but this time I am outside. In a field of flowers. In the sun. And Christine isn't there... my... family... is. My mother smiles sweetly at me and begins unpacking a basket. I look at my sister Aria. She smiles, and everything seems wonderful. The images flicker into something darker for half a second. The sky is gray, and my family is smiling madly... With sharp teeth. I ignore it. It's probably just some residual nightmare.

Everybody continues unpacking the basket, and things are beautiful. But the dream keeps lapsing into the darker vision. I blink a few times, and my sister looks at me worriedly. But nobody says a thing... the good dream renews itself again. It only stays for a moment, and it all flickers into the dark vision... and my family starts chasing me. With weapons.

"It isn't too late," they say. "Join us. Join Christine. All you have to do is stop running."

The world around us begins to rotate, the ground beginning to crumble beneath our feet. Soon Christine, the Vicomte, and everyone else from the Opera Populaire joins in the mob, and I'm back to the time I was running from the mob, running from my home. The sense of dread I feel magnifies as I reach a dead end and all of them begin to close in around me. I'm soon engulfed in both smothering darkness and blinding light.

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