The Witch's Invitation

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I wake up to blinding light. Once my eyes readjust, I sit up slowly and look around. There are 4 others lying around me. There are three women and young boy. I survey my surroundings. There isn't much here. It's a very plain room, just four walls, a floor, a ceiling, and a bench.

One of the people stirs and wakes up, pushing herself off of the ground. She looks around for a moment, confused. Eventually her gaze settles on me. She narrows her eyes and stands up.

"Who are you?" She asks, placing her hands behind her back. "And what do you want?"

I sigh. "I have been many things. I don't know who I am now. And I don't know why I'm here either. I only wish to be back in my home and dream about what it would be like to be with... her. Just like every day."

The woman shakes her head and places her hands back in front of her. "Then who brought you here?"

I open my mouth to respond when the young boy wakes up. He looks around. "K'nuckles?" he asks.

"Who?" the second woman says, picking herself off of the floor. The third woman soon follows her.

"Captain K'nuckes!" the boy says. "He hit me on the head and I woke up here."

Before anyone can say anything more, there is a very loud screeching noise. Everyone covers their ears. A square blue man enters the room drinking from a bottle labeled 'Maple Syrup'. Behind him enters a woman dressed in white and gold and behind her is a man in a tan outfit. Last of all enters a triangle headed man in a lab coat, and behind him, Christine. Or at least the imposter Christine.

"K'nuckes!" the young boy exclaims, hugging the square blue guy.

The first and last women who woke up look proudly upon the woman in white and the triangle headed person. The second woman looks somewhat fearfully at the tan-clothed man. I just glare at 'Christine'.

The last woman breaks the silence, clapping very, very slowly. "Congratulations Doofenshmirtz. You've finally done something actually evil. Don't you feel better?"

The lab coat man (who I'm guessing is named "Doofenshmirtz") gives a brief smile, but 'Christine' quickly returns him to his previous serious expression.

"Welcome, all of you," she says, reading off of her hand. "Our boss invites you to this year's... event. In case you haven't noticed, we are not who we appear to be. If you must know, we were cloned off of the DNA of the people that we're supposed to seem like. But... well, read the panel."

I look. Above the door there is a metal panel. Engraved into it is the phrase "No es lo que parece como, es lo que ellos son como".

"We were going to have it in Latin, but none of us knew it. Kathrine knew Spanish, though. It means 'It's not what things look/seem like; it's what they are like'," 'Christine' explains.

"Who is Kathrine?" I ask.

The strange people smile. "She's our boss's executive assistant," they say. "Let's go meet them, shall we?"

The strange new people tie us up. The little boy looks like he's on the verge of tears. We're all led out of the room. We reach the end of a hallway and 'Christine' dramatically pushes open the doors.


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