Xia Xiaoshi became even more angry. This is also a lazy accustomed to being able to hold a broom for one square meter to finish the work.

Therefore, their real workforce is left with three people!

Xia Xiaoshi let out a breath and held her cheek in a daze.

When the bell rang after class, Wei Yijie got up and brought a bunch of papers over.

"Student Ning Zhen, after you finish cleaning later, post the exam numbers in order."

"Ok, is it in the order of s?"

"Yes, the glue is on the podium."

Xia Xiaoshi poked her head over and looked at Wei Yijie with a bad look: "Why don't you give it to Lu Zhi and the others, the monitor?"

Just bully someone new classmates behaved.

Wei Yijie flushed, pursed his lips and returned to his seat to collect his things.

"Brother, play games or not, and drive black with the people in Class 6." Chen Dongshu stood up as he said, ready to go out.

The neckline was pulled, and he looked back, looking at Shang Lu Zhi with a smile.

"Chen Dongshu." He said slowly, "Didn't you hear that we should clean up?"


Lin Zichuan had gone to the balcony in silence to get the mop, Xiao Feng laughed so thiefly, and followed him. Chen Dongshu looked dumbfounded and was stuffed with a broom. Lu Zhi raised his eyelids: "What do you want to do? Sweep the floor."

"..." Fuck! What's the matter with mom?

The atmosphere in the classroom suddenly became weird.

Xie Yu swept away the previous fatigue, and took a broom to sweep the floor, earnestly wishing to sweep the floor through.

Xia Xiaoshi didn't know, so she held back a smile and went to wash her kerchief and wipe the balcony.

Ning Zhen started sweeping from the fourth group, and Lu Zhi took a mop and dragged behind her. Like a tail, she is fast and he is fast, she is slow and he is slow.

Her school uniform is wide, her trouser legs are slightly rolled up, and her exposed ankles are white and slender. When bending down, the wide school uniform hangs down, the thin waistline is outlined, Lu Zhi drags absently, feeling that he can control her thin waist with one hand.

He couldn't help but remember how she felt when she fell on him that day.

The fan was spinning above their heads, and he could still smell her faintly.

Like jasmine, there is also a slight milky fragrance...

Ning Zhen turned around and was startled by his close face.

"Don't follow me." She pointed to Chen Dongshu's side. He swept very casually. He used a broom as a divine tool, and swiped a line. "Go and drag it over there. It's done. ."

"Order Lao Tzu?" He raised his eyebrows and smiled on his lips.

"No, I sweep slowly."

"I'm slow, Chen Dongshu sweeps too fast, I can't keep up."

Chen Dongshu was quite sensitive to his name, so he turned around and shouted his brother: "You call me?"

"Tell your mother to force, clean it up." Xiao Feng took the kerchief and turned it around in his hand. Didn't you see people flirting?

Chen Dongshu was not convinced. He Chen Shao finally swept the floor and was called to drink: "Your mother." He raised the broom and chased Xiao Feng.

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