Chapter 4, Exotic dreams and exploding brains

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I was in a deep swirling purple void, drifting in slow circles. Sparks of gold zipped around me. Flashes of random pictures of me dressed in outfits that I wouldn't be seen dead in, appeared in front of me. Me, in roman armour, me, in Elizabethan clothes including the twirly mustache and me, in an Egyptian robe. A tugging sensation was pulling me towards a circle of blue flames. In a whoosh, I was sucked inside it.

It was dark black. Everything was still and quiet except for my own breathing. Then like a light switch, brightness flooded in. I was on some sort of cloud. Looking down on a sunny, tropical island. The trees were ripped and torn down. A trail of massive footsteps led into the forest depth. I followed, floating towards it automatically, against my will. As I floated towards it, I heard a humungous, terrifying roar. A monster stood in a small clearing. A giant with a head the size of Uranus. His filthy, matted hair was greasy and reached to his shoulders. He had big, blood shot eyes. His nostrils could fit a mountain in. The giants body was naked except for a piece of cloth round his waist. His arms, legs, and chest was covered with hair and dirt. I drawed my eyes away from him to look at my surroundings. There were fallen children and teenagers. Some were whizzing around the giant throwing fire balls and slashing with swords. They all had high tech transport to fly in flying motorbikes, a plane, shoes with rocket blasters attached to them like the ones you see in spy movies except all of these people were wearing clothes from the middle ages. One of them caught my eyes the most. This person looked like me but perhaps a little older. He was dressed in a white shirt with a small waistcoat, brown pants and boots. A quiver of arrows and a crossbow was slung on his back, a sword at his side. He was standing on a skateboard circling the giants head. People around him were falling like flies. He had a hard, determined look on his face. I felt like this was Deja vu, like a distant memory, that I forgotten and just remembered again.

The young boy that was me, but not me, reached behind him and pulled out two arrows and his crossbow. Putting both the arrows into his crossbow. He aimed and fired. A roar erupted from the giants mouth. His eyes were closed, the arrows had hit his pupils blinding him. The enormous being started waving his arms in the air like a blind man would. One-nil to human boy. Whoop whoop. Human boy ducked as an arm came, nearly hitting him in the chest. Another arm came swinging in, he jumped up from his skateboard and landed neatly back onto it again. He then swerved to the right, behind the giant. Bringing out his sword, he stabbed it into the small of uglies back. He tried to bring the sword out but it was embedded deep inside. The giant screamed terrified and infuriated. He swung from left to right, trying to shake of the annoying prick in his back but he hanged on tight. After a while he gave up and let go off the sword, abandoning it. He spiraled away. The skateboard gave a sudden stop once he stuck his arms out to steady it. The giant swung his outstretched hands. Unluckily it hit the human straight on the chest. Feeling a figure, the giant grasped it. The boy was swung upside down. By the green reddening face that was slowly turning purple I could tell he was not enjoying it much. The monster opened his great mouth and bellowed into his face, blowing his hair back. From my angle I could see my lookalike worming his fingers into his pants pocket, lips moving slightly. He took his fingers out of his pocket and between his index and middle digit was a small dark object which slowly grew bigger and bigger till it fit the size of his hand. He twitched his wrist, throwing the thing which has now turned into the size of a melon into the giants opened mouth. The monster's yell turned into a noise that sounded like the coughing of a fur ball. His grip loosened on the boy, the boy then kick started his skateboard shouting " Watch out below!" before hiding behind a mountain himself. People started clearing the area dragging the injured and the dead. I looked back at the hairy overly large figure, he clutched his stomach. Everything went quiet, holding it's breath. You could hear something ticking from inside his belly. Tick... Tock... Tick...Tock...Tick...Tock...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2011 ⏰

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