Chapter 9: Meal's End

Start from the beginning

"The church always said that Akuma had to eat in separate rooms. That--"

Once again Yui was cut off, this time by Yuuto who was glaring at the girl.

"Their lies will not be repeated here!! Stop speaking as if you care about such things! I hate people like you the most!" He cried out, seething with rage at the audacity Yui had to dare break the peace of their youngest brother.

"Yuuto. Your volume, please." Ocean spoke up and looked at them before going back to eating his food, not scolding any of them.

Why would he? He knew what had happened. It seemed they had permission to protect Akuma without threat of punishment.

"The Church would never lie about such a thing! They were protecting us from that demon!! You were too lured into his sinful gaze to ever realize!!!" Yui's shrill voice yelled out, making the whole table pause.

It seemed like time stopped as Akuma slowly stood up.

"I'll be going now. Thanks for the meal, Mr. Sakamaki." The youngest spoke out, voice and face void of any emotion as he looked at Reiji and bowed before turning around and leaving.

She did that.

She hurt their brother.

She hurt our brother.


In an instant Yuuto was standing, shaking in rage and it only made Taito angier.

"You should know what happens to those that hurt what is precious to us. They break!" The usual soft and gentle voice of Taito was replaced by an enraged growl. He moved to attack the pompous little girl but hands were holding him back.

He growled more as he fought against the restraints, ignoring whatever River was saying to try and calm him down.

The loud sound of a chair scraping against the floor eventually dragged him out of his red haze and Taito quickly looked over, only to find Shu getting up.


The pathetic voice of Yui asked and it took both River and Ocean talking he and Yuuto down quickly to prevent them from attacking her at the sound.

Said vampire didn't even bother to look at her, just glanced at Ocean with a slight nod before turning and walking out of the room.

Somewhere in his cool down he heard Reiji mention something about deadbeats but he really couldn't care.

Without another word, Taito grabbed Yuuto's arm and they quickly left the room as well.

The twins made their way to Akuma's room and knocked, the door creaking open after a minute. Without hesitation they burst inside, Taito moving to quietly close said door while Yuuto ran over to the bed, quickly crawling in and pulling the youngest close to him.

He's shaking.

We will stay the night then.

We can't let her get away with this. She's gonna turn into the nuns.

Ocean won't let her. You saw his face when she called Kuma that.

Taito made his way over and quickly joined the two cuddling. When they were younger the three youngest would always cling to each other whenever they had a bad school day. Having sleepovers in each other's room to "keep the bullies away."

It seemed they still hadn't broken the habit. Quietly, Taito made a promise. He would make sure that selfish human got what she deserved one day.

●●●●● Third Pov ●●●●●

Downstairs, the tension hadn't left from the room. Ocean stood next to a very unamused River, who, in the first time the vampire brothers had seen him, looked serious.

Scratch that, he didn't just look serious, he looked angry.

"Well. He left the table. Are you pleased with the outcome of this stupid game?" River hissed out, just barely holding himself back from grabbing a glass of water on the table and throwing it at her.

"I wasn't playing a game.." Came Yui's defensive reply.

Before anything else could be done, Reiji cleared his throat.  "I believe that's enough. Everyone may leave the table except Ms. Komori."

And with that River had left to his room, seemingly fed up with the day.

Ocean, however stayed back.

"That church, the one you love so much and claim never sinned? That church handed you over to be drank dry by vampires. Perhaps your loyalty is a bit misplaced. " He spoke quietly, anger held back by a veil of false calmness.

No, he'd never let someone like her witness something so intimate as his anger. Yui looked at him with wide eyes, as if she was surprised he was speaking up. Or maybe it was because she still thought he was a faithful little lamb like she was.

"Do make sure to remember one thing. Whatever faith you have will never be a match for the Kaneko bond. I will personally make sure to be the one that hears your last scream if you ever pull a stunt like that again."

With a calm face and a gentle tone, Ocean turned around, bowing politely at the vampires before excusing himself.

The sound of Ayato's confusion and the beginning of Reiji's harsh lecture following the fading foot steps of the eldest Kaneko.

Rule two of the Kaneko Household: Never call Akuma a demon.


1,458 words!!  The goal for this chapter was to get as close to 2,000 as I could manage!

Hello! Finally the story is starting to pick up now that we are almost completely done with the introductory chapters. I wanted to get you all used to the boys and their personalities before I started actually getting into the story.

I have a lot of things planned and I hope my writing is good enough to keep you all engaged for it all!

Please tell me your thoughts and feelings about everything so far! I'd love to hear feedback!

Thank you all for reading this far!

- KQ ♡

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