• Chapter 14 •

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"W-what are you doing here?"

A smirk grew on his lips, "Well I hadn't seen you all day and I heard about what happened at dinner so I'm here to check on you."

"Oh," a nervous laugh escaped me, "Yeah Ivan-"

"You shouldn't let Ivan get to you," he cut me off. "He's unbearable at times but deep down, really deep down, he means well."

I let out a giggle, "Really deep down huh?"

"Really really deep down," he laughed with me and in that moment I instantly felt better.

"So may I come in? I come bearing gifts of course,"

I opened the door wide enough so that he could slip through, "Oh Saints what did you bring?"

"Well you'll have to open the door wider than that, maybe step aside too."

My eyes widened as he stepped out of my line of view and then pulled a large rolling table that had various plates, a pitcher, and two cups into view.

"And what's all this?" I moved out of the way so he could come in. I had to admit the sight of the general in charge of the Second Army wheeling a table into my room was laughable, and it took everything in me not to let out even a little chuckle.

"I happened to hear that you stormed out of the domed hall before eating anything, so I brought dinner to you." After he'd placed the table where he wanted, he picked up one of the chairs in my room and put it down.

Kirigan looked over to me, and I couldn't help the massive grin that made it's way onto my face as he gestured for me to sit.

Once I was in the chair, he pushed it in and then got his own chair, sitting on the opposite side of the table.

"Oh did you not want to sit next to me tonight?" I faked offense and he laughed.

"Maybe if you ask nicely I will," he winked and I felt my cheeks flush.

"Well in that case, General Kirigan, would you do me the honor of placing your seat next to mine?" I planted my elbow on the table and put my chin on my closed fist, wiggling my eyebrows playfully at him.

"I think that can be arranged Miss Starkov," he moved his chair around next to mine with a light chuckle.

"Much better," I smiled up at him.

"Yes, much."

"Now, let's see what you've brought for our grand feast." I lifted the lid off of the plate in front of me and saw beautifully cooked chicken that made my mouth water. Then, I lifted the lids off the rest of the plates to see what was underneath them as well. There was rice, pasta, potatoes, and anything else I could possibly want.

"Saints..." I whispered.

I looked over at him, surprised, "You did all of this for me?"

"Well if you're going to become strong enough to destroy the fold you should start eating like it." He then grabbed the pitcher to pour some of its contents into a cup for me.

I thanked him as he handed me the glass. When I took a sip though, I gagged and made a face while taking the cup away from my lips.

"Kvas. It's an aquired taste," Kirigan laughed, pouring his own drink and taking a sip.

I nodded, "Yeah it definitely is."

"The more you drink the less you'll taste it, I promise."

"Are you trying to get me drunk, general?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow.

Purest Corruption - The Darkling [General Kirigan]Where stories live. Discover now