"Do I?" The actual conflicted look that crossed Tione's face made his own chest hurt. Where had all these insecurities come from?

"You askin' me or yoself?"

"Stop makin' me feel crazy."

"That's all you baby."

"Just leave me alone." He pushed him away, walking away from the conversation his arms wrapped around himself now.

Appearances and all, were important. An artist had a certain image, they need uphold and certain people to have said image pushed forward.

A relationship becoming entangled into the image could get messy very quickly, that's why Taurus preferred to keep his separate.

Protect every lover he had he would say, Men and Women alike.

He never hid the fact he was bisexual, people just never thought to ask, besides a woman on his arm would keep his hardened persona on ten- people wouldn't know what they didn't need too.

When with business or in private everybody knew who he belonged to in reality.

So why couldn't his boyfriend understand that?

"Just be ready to go by 7:00." He called out deciding maybe the space was good. He'd warm up to him  in a little bit.

"Mhmmm." Was the only response he got, his shoulders slumping.


Tione still was distant when it was time for them to go and even more so when they got in the car. The ride to the restaurant was silent treatment central, even playing all of the man's favorite songs not eliciting a peep out of him.

Tione spent time greeting their friends and some executives, still at the same time being petty enough to dodge Taurus' attempts at holding his hand.

"Y'all okay?" Bashar, their mutual friend asked, noticing the tension.

"You know how Ti can be." Taurus said with a ingenuine smile, his fingers beginning to flex.

The night continued on in the same fashion, the Chicago native's limits being pushed at again and again.

Their food came out and Tione went to eating his quietly, Taurus making a final attempt at getting him not to be so cold.

"Baby lemme try some of yours."

"You got you a plate of food for a reason." He mumbled shortly, sliding the plate away.

A pout first crossed his lips and then it turned into a genuine scowl.

He felt fed up, irritated at the consistent attitude and it was starting to overflow into something else.

He gripped Tione's thigh, his hands starting to move on their own as he began to rub on him ad well.

"I gotta wash my hands." Tione spoke still purposefully avoiding the stare his boyfriend was burning into the side of his body. The heat in his body was felt and even harder to ignore.

Glancing at his watch, Taurus took the chance with everyone's eyes off of him to slink behind the braided brown-skin. 

As he walked in he didn't even bother to lock the door, his brain clouded elsewhere. Sliding behind his boyfriend, he pressed the man's lean body into the sink counter.

"Have you lost your damn mind?"

"I should be askin' you that since you been acting like a brat all fuckin' day."

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