chapter 9

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again i know i haven't uploaded in like forever im sorry ive just been really busy and again i get really bad writers block and i get a lot of ideas for like other story's that i haven't written i might like make a book with just one shots so i can get them out of my head but other then that i will probably be slow updates cause yeah and thank you all for being very patient with me and i hope you enjoy this chapter.

Isabella pov 

as i land in Milan i walk my way into the airport from the airplane and make my way over to the luggage retriever and look for my suitcase  then it hits me i have nowhere to stay and my Italian isnt that good.

as i see my suitcase i go and get it off of the rotator thing and put it on the ground as i look around i see coupes running up to each other and hugging and kidding each other and family's that are being reunited with each other everywhere i have never felt so alone before i with i had siblings so i didnt feel so alone i hope the people i seen ing the photo album are related to me in some way or ill be doomed and all alone.

maybe i should ty nd call that lady that called mums phone she might help me and she did sound really nice and loving, i start to walk out of th security thingy an out of the airport as i see a tabe and chair outside one of the cfes that are in the airport so i make my way over to they table and chair and sit down as i take a deep breath to calm my nerves and take my phone out of my back pocket and unlock it as i look threw my contacts to find they lady's numbers i press the number and wait for it to ring it rings 5 times before it cuts out she didn't answer i let out a breath and sigh she didnt answer should call her again or not i have no idea what i should do ugh.

as i sink into the chair im sitting  in a lady two tables across from me is staring at me maybe i should ask her if she knows the lady ugh whats her name though did she even say what her name is ugh i have such a terrible memory maybe i can show her the number maybe she might know it she kinda looks like one of them old ladys from movies that are know it alls and love to gossip about everyone and everything.

as im thinking about going over and asking her she gets up and comes over to me " ohgod was i looking at her for too long oh what if shes coming over to tell me off or what is she is leaveing!!" as im having a mini panic attack i see shes walking over to me as she picks up her bag and makes her way over to me with a small smile on her face as she is soon right in front of me  as she points to the chair across from me im guessing to sit down i nod my head to a yes and she pulls it out an dtakes aseat putting down her bag on the chair nest to her and then she speaks

"ciao caro parli italaino o inglese? " she says with a small smile " oh i only know a little Italian" i say with a small shy smile " that's alright dear at least you know some unlike all these other people that comes here acting like they know everything" she says "anyway dear i came over here to say you look a lot like my friends daughter when she was younger then again i haven't seen her in years so i she might still look young and beautiful" the lady says as i go bright red "oh thank you i guess" i say as more of question then an answer cause well no ones ever said that and she kinda just called me beautiful.

translation (hello dear do you speak Italian or English)

a few minutes go by and i come to find out her name is Rosemarie but she goes by Marie and that i can call her Marie.

sorry its short i hope you liked it

please vote and comment so i know you like the chapter adn to knoe if i should continue this book nd i hope i can update then next chapter sooner 

anyway i hope you have a wonderful day and or night    


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