"We should take the bag." You said.

"Why?" Xiao asked.

"For starters, it has clothes, and we can use it to carry stuff we find."

"What are we gonna find that isn't wet??" Xiao said.

"Well if we found this, we can find other valuable stuff. I'll carry it." You said.

"I think that's a good idea!" Bennett flashed you a smile.

"See!" You said. Razor found a black shirt and changed out of his dirty one.

"Razor do you want your sweater ba-"

"No keep it." Razor took out another sweater and wrapped it around his head. You all looked at him in confusion, he just pointed up. "Sun."


"You wanna keep that shirt on Y/n? There's a blue one right here."

"Okay, look away." The three boys turned away and you changed your shirt. "Feels good. Alright last chance, anyone taking anything else?" They all shook their heads. "Alright." You zipped the bag up, and put it over your shoulder. It felt nice having socks on. You all went to the edge of the elevated lawn you stood on, and Razor crouched down. He cupped his hands, and scooped up some water, rinsing his mouth and spitting it out. You did the same as him, but splashed water onto your face as well. The other two followed, but Bennett accidentally scooped up a pebble and almost choked. Xiao laughed at him. "Stop laughing, and let's go I don't wanna run into those guys with the tanks." You said. They nodded, and Bennett jumped down first, helping you down. The four of you were relatively the same size, so the water reached up to your belly buttons.

"It rose didn't it?" Razor asked.

"Yeah I don't think it was this high yesterday" You said.

"It wasn't.." Xiao said. You moved the duffel onto your head, and held it with one hand as you waded through the water. You made slow, but steady progress towards the volcano.

"Where are we gonna stay during this night?" Bennett asked almost tripping over a stubborn fish. "Idiot." He said to the fish.

"Not sure, if we can't find a car or something then I'm afraid we'll have to walk through the night."

"Are you kidding me that's well terrifying???" Bennett said.

"We can't do anything else." Razor said, waiting for Bennett to catch up. They walked next to each other.

"We're going uphill, so it should be easier to walk." Xiao heard you, and began running, or well at least trying to. He also held his skateboard over his head, and when he finally made it onto dry land he sat down. He waited for the three of you to catch up before getting up again and walking up the little hill. From this point on, it was all dry road, some of the houses were torn down by the winds, but most of them, had some parts of them still standing.

"We can raid some of these homes" Xiao said.


"Now's not the time to get picky. We need to live." Xiao said. "Aren't you guys starving???"

"Yeah but what if someone's there??" Bennett said.

"We'll have to take our chances." You said, making a left and going down the street to one of the still standing homes. It was locked, but you managed to break the window on the door with your elbow, and opened the door.

"At least this home is still standing.." Razor looked around.

"Power's definitely been cut out, so some of the food in their fridge might be nasty, but we have to eat." You said, as you found the kitchen and ran to the fridge. The others looked around the house.

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