Chapter 1: Eve Santana

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Year 2xxx

The sky darkens as small flying objects gather closer to the clouds, covering the world into cold darkness, and waves of noise from above interrupt the silence of the empty city.

The swarm of artificial intelligence that had ascended into the sky, gathers and formed a barrier one by one. Every continent had to face the same scene, the cities had now been captured and had been left empty like a ghost town.

Months ago, people who are found while in hiding are taken away.

The civilians had given up fighting knowing their enemies had the upper hand but a few people around the world had stood their ground and worked secretly from the eyes of the Order.

" --- Base 879 is under attack!! " she could see the static images of a man in a lab gown inside the command room calling for help.

Her eyes then travel to the hundreds of images, the blue light covering the whole room as she stares at the screens.

" --- The High Order has breached our system-- the base can't hold on much longer--- this is northeast base EA.447-"

" --- south east base TH.65 is down--- I repeat---don't send---back-up---"

" This is the north base, commanding all base to hold on, we are mobilizing our troops--"

" --Send help!------Please! Help us! We don't want to d- "

" ----------- "

" ---------------"

A woman was standing inside an isolated research facility and looking at the hundreds of screens in disbelief, the screens showed images of live coverage from working CCTVs around the world.

She, who was still a wanted hacker and had been an enemy of every government in all nations, was now reduced to a state of a helpless person hiding inside a research institution surrounded by A.I's high technology commanded by the High Order.

All she could do is watch the situation outside every day.

As she saw an image of the floating tech roaming around the streets of cities and even inside of a few remaining facilities and militarily base.

It was a horrifying scene, the image of seeing chaos and disruption, and knowing your the next one who will be captured once these high intelligence techs finds its way to unblock the firewall she created to protect herself.

"How did it turn out like this?... " with a cold sweat running down her forehead, she stood there holding her broken laptop, not knowing if she should proceed with helping.

All of a sudden she felt a terrifying shake from the ground making her lose her balance, resulting for her laptop to shut down when it falls to the ground and then a loud explosion was heard, throwing her to the side and hiting the wall.

The impact had made her sight blurry, accompanied by a loud ringing in her ear.

Everything turned hazy and she couldn't see anything clearly, only her sense of smell was heightened with the lack of her eyes and ears, and then there, she could smell dust and smoke, the heat she felt that stings and burn her skin felt like fire.

The fallen debris and dust had covered her and the impact that she received from the sudden blow had resulted to her head being dizzy and even a visible broken limb.

With so much pain and confusion, she thought.

" Ah, so this is how I die? "

Without realizing the footsteps of unknown people hastily entering the room, she looked at the shadowy figures before her eyes turned dull and her line of sight turned dark.

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