Chapter 10

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But now take me home
Take me home where I belong
I can't take it anymore
I was painting a picture
The picture was a painting of you and
For a moment I thought you were here
But then again, it wasn't true

Song: Runaway, by Aurora


Aster's P.O.V.:

It feels like the world has stopped moving for a moment, and suddenly I see everything in slow-motion.

The shock expression on Maddie's face, her mouth falling slack open and eyes going madly wide.

The anger in Harry's eyes slowly turned into surprise as well.

The absolute mess of a man that Elliot James is right now. I almost can't believe on the way his electric blue eyes are tearing up, how his carved cheeks are flushed red, how hips lips are parted and how fucking much his hands are shaking. Honestly, he is so shaken up, it wouldn't be a surprise if he passed away right here and now.

My eyes keep jumping from one face to another, but I think time might've been frozen, because I can't seem to have enough presence of mind to act. I only manage to snap out of it as Harry's eyes finally meet mine, and he nods towards the closed front door, and though it didn't look like much, what he meant is pretty clear to me.


She's in there, and she has no idea who just almost literally popped out of the fucking floor to wreck the world she lives in.

It all happens at the same time; as I take a step back, ready to go into the house and try to convince Eve not to leave, Maddie takes a step forwards, quickly winning the space between her and Elliot, her hand going on the air for half a second before it's smashing against his cheek, the prettiest slap on the face I've ever witnessed.

"Wow." Harry scoffs, tauntingly.

Elliot takes a step back from the force of it, his own hand covering the now glowing red skin of his cheek, eyes never leaving my sister's figure. He nods in silence, as if giving her the permission to go on, but she doesn't. Instead, Maddie looks up at him with what seems to be pure hatred in her eyes.

"How fucking dare you." She hisses, getting to the tip of her toes to be in the same head level as him.

Elliot shakes his head, his lips locked on a thin line, and finally breaks eye-contact with Maddie to look down on his feet, the perfect image of guilt with his scrunched up shoulders and tense neck.

"I'm so sorry." He murmurs to himself, his voice sounding nothing like I'm used to. Usually, he is so powerful, so sure of himself, he emanates a daring energy, but right now, he his voice is shaking, unsure and so fucking little, it's unbelievable.

"Aster." Maddie calls my name, turning her face to look at me. "Take Eve and Rickie to the villa. I need... I need a moment."

"Yeah, sure." I nod, already rushing to the front door, but stopping before I open it. "What do I tell her?"

"Nothing about what we just talked about." She says, matter-of-factly. "I'm going to a pub nearby to have a talk with this one, wait for me to leave before you take Eve. Tell her Alumina needed me, she'll understand it. Do not tell her about him."

I nod, glaring at Harry to follow me inside, but he shakes his head, turning his face to glare at EJ and Maddie, his whole body language changing, puffed chest and tense shoulders - he's making sure nothing wrong is going to happen, and for that I'm grateful.

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