Chapter 2

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Mama Potato learned so many songs from the singing Brussel Sprout. She was good friends with the other three as well, but her favorite new friend was a Snap Pea. The Snap Pea was very kind to her and she taught her many things about the Gardener whenever they were together. Mama Potato grew to know more about the Gardener and loved Him so very much. Even when she didn't see His feet, she felt that He was very close and that He loved her, too.

Mama Potato would find herself humming and singing, a very special happiness over her life. She wasn't always happy, but knowing that she was up on the surface and loved and brand new made her happy inside.

Grandma and Grandpa Cauliflower were so excited to hear about their daughter meeting the Gardener. They had met Him, too!

And, best of all, Baby Spud would hollar across the garden and tell her mama potato how much she loved and missed her. Three years went by, and though there was some sadness, mama potato and baby spud loved each other very much. They had become good friends.

One day, Paranoid Potato- I mean, Mama Potato, for the Gardener had told her in a loving letter, "There is no fear in Me! Trust Me!"- heard some bad news. Her friend Parsley and her children Rosemary, Thyme and Saffron were in trouble. Parsley sent a message on a blade of grass held together by tears to Mama Potato.

Mama Potato didn't know what to do. She talked to the Gardener. The Gardener responded in letters. She shared some letters with Parsley, back and forth, but Parsley was still very sad. Parsley knew the Gardener, but just because the Gardener loved them didn't mean that their lives would never have a sad phase. "You should talk to Gramma Cauliflower, dear Parsley," Mama Potato wrote one day. She couldn't think of how to seal the blade of grass. She looked under her fingernails, but decided to seal it with icky mud would be gross. There was no time to waste, Mama Potato determined, sending it just like that.

Parsley did talk to Gramma Cauliflower. Baby Spud hugged Parsley. Parsley talked to the Gardener. Then came a letter from both Parsley and Gramma Cauliflower.

Instead of sealing the grass with tears, Parsley had rolled it and tied it with a dandelion.

The Gardener loved dandelions though some called them weeds. They helped feed the bees that did so much to help His vegetables.

Mama Potato admired the dandelion. She should have though of tying her letters that way. She would keep it to the side for when she replied.

"Mama Potato," The letter began.

Mama Potato's eyes grew really big when she continued to read it! Had the Gardener spoke to Gramma Cauliflower or Parsley? Could they have seen the presents that she made often for the Gardener so that He would be pleased? (The Gardener called her presents fruit, but He didn't eat them). She scratched her head, sitting by the fence post where she had first seen the Gardener's feet. Maybe He would stop by and see her and they could talk. Or, maybe He would go by her home without her seeing Him and leave her another loving letter. He did it so often! It seemed funny to think that the Gardener would give her loving letters when she felt it was for her to give fruit! The idea had her smile. She loved the Gardener so much.

"...check into it. Love, Mommy Cauliflower."

Mama Potato slid the blade of grass with the letter on it around her waist. It didn't fit well. Then, she tried to suck in her starch and retie it around her waist, but she couldn't hold her breath long enough! She wasn't sure how she would be able to walk, sucking in her starch so she removed the grass and with a long sigh, exhaled. Mama Potato twirled it around the dandelion's stem. It fit much better. She didn't know who to talk to. Would Snap Pea understand? Or the Brussel Sprouts?

Mama Potato bit her lip. "Father Gardener, this is a strange letter. Can I tell you about it?" Before she told Him as she walked along, just knowing that He would be listening to her, she found herself smiling. Maybe on her door, a loving letter would be waiting for her with the answer to her letter conundrum. Father Gardener was very good at these things and always knew best, though sometimes He took a very long time to answer her. Or... maybe she was just impatient. "I got the strangest letter today..."

Paranoid Potato Meets the GardenerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin