your here..your safe

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nightmares pov

i woke from my dreamless sleep, i was holding something, or more like someone, ink was cureled up next to me, sleeping. snoreing softly, i carfuly pulled out my phone from my pocket to cheak what time it was, it was 824, i thought it was ok to get up. i slowly got out of inks grasp, he woke up, but immidetly fell back asleep, i grabbed my cloths and got dressed in the bathroom. i finished getting ready, and was walking out the room door, 'ill need to find diffrent cloths for him, while we fix those ones' i thought to myself as i walk down the stairs, i see killer,error,dust awake, i guess the other two are sleeping. "alright, its either fend for your self, or be patiant and let me cook, witch one?" i say as i walk into the kitchen, " well wait boss" killer said from the living room. "kay, let me know when the others are awake." i say i her hums in resposns and began to cook breakfest.

inks pov

i slowly opend my eyes, i didnt reconize where i was, 'what happend? where am i' i thought i look around as i sit up, i feel my body ache, i look around once more, then i remeber what happend yesterday, "oh.." i say being disgusted with my self, i decided i should get up, it hurt to get out of the bed, but it hurt even more as i wakled, " d-danm...owww.." i say manegeing my balnce, i open the door, and look to my right there was a stair case and you can hear voices from it, i look to my left to see more doors. i didnt want to be rude so i went downt stairs, i sear my bootom half was ligit on fire as i walked down the stairs. i finnaly made it, then error,dust, and killer turned and looked at me, i slowly walked to the couch. " good do you feel?" dust asked me, "im....ok....i think" i mubled the last part,dust just nodded in respons. i didnt want it to see rude, "h-how do y-you f-feel?" i ask looking at him, he picked his head up and looked at me with a confused look, i began playing with the ends of my scarf, my anxity rose as he countinued to look at me confused, "sorry?" he asked still looking at me confused, " h-how d-do y-you f-feel?" i aksed repeating, i stoped playing with my scarf and began to bite my fingers, but trying to not make it oviouse. "i... am doing good, thank you" dust replyed, "n-no p-problem" i say as i bite down harder on my fingure, but before i could do anything, nightmare walked out of the kitchen, holdingfive plates with his tenticals. " i thought i heard you awake, here"  he said as he handed me a plate of food, it was a egg thing, i know ive seen this before, but i cant recall what it is....'it looks fattning..' i thought as i stared at the food confused, nighmare handed evryone there plates and forks and then sat next to me with his food. " how did you sleep?" he asked takeing a bit of food, "i was surprisingly ok, but one quistion...." i ask looking at my food, "mmh?" he replyed, " what....what is this??" i ask pointing at the plate, he looked at me cofused, "eggs?" he replyed, "no thats not it..." i reply stareing at the food, " omlet?"  he said, i immidetly shot my head up and looked at him, "yes!! that!!" i say returning to the food, "have you not haven it before?" he asked takeing another bite, "no ive had them, just not for a while, i could remeber what they were, ehe" i say giving a nervouse luagh, i look over at nightmare and the others, "what?" i said was alone i say getting worried that i did wrong. " nothing sorry"  he says counting to eat, i look at him workingly, " no, p-please, d-do tell" i say putting my plate down on my lap. "its nothing realy,i was just surprised is all" he says looking up at me. " w-why? its rare f-for me to eat i-in the morning, so i u-unflamiar b-breakfest meals. isnt that commen?" i ask getting cofused, dream aslways said peaple rarly eat in the morning. "w-what? who told that?" he said with a worrying look, " dream did, he said it is bad and not normal for peaple" i say tilitling my head, "hey ink, what else does dream tell you?" he asked with a weak smile, "we-" i was cut off by someone walking down the stairs, i turn head quikly couseing a shooting pain down spine, and all over my body. it was the skleton known as cross, he walked into the kitchen not saying hello, he then came back out and sat next to dust in the couch on the other side of the room, i looked at him, he looked at me and looked away. "remind me your name again?" i ask as he sits down and gets comfy, he looks up at me, "c-cross"  he said looking, i put a fingure on my chin, "why?"  nightmare asked, error and killer walk into the kitchen.
"i...reconize the name, but i cant remeber where, h-hold on" i say as i open a small window to my room in the star sanses base, i look around and walk in, "ink!? what are you doing?!"  nightmare yelled quitly, i turn around and put a putting fingure over my mouth, singling im to be quit. i walk to my bed, i had a small box under it, i reach for it, i pull it out and open it. i pull out a small pocket knife, it was black and white, with the blade being black, and on one the sides of the handle, it had cross's name. i put the knife in my pocket in my pocket and and put the box back under my bed, i walk over to my desk and grab my small sketch pad and a pencile. i walk back to the back through the portal and sit down on the couch, i then close, i set my things down on the free set next to me, and walk over to cross, i pull out the knife and stuck it out, as soon as he say it he looked horrifide, "its yours correct?" i say tilting my head a bit. "y-yes...where did you get this?"
he said nervoulsly, "not sure, ive had for as long as i can rem-" i say remebering something about the blade that i should have thought about before i gave it to him. "m-may i-i s-see please" i say shakeing, he hands the blade back, i walk away from them but not onto the kitchen, but right outside door. i open the blade with the sound of a click, i licked my shirt and rubbed the blade, it had blood stains on it and i ddint want them to find out i use this blade. i fully clean it as much as possible. i close it a tuck my shirt away inder my larg scarf, i walk back over to cross and hand him back the blade, "s-sorry,i-i n-need t-to c-cheak s-something" i say sitting back down at my seat, after he took it.
"you didnt finish"  cross said looking me dead in the eyes, " oh..i-i had it for a-as long as i remeber, i remeber it being someone very dear givivng it to me, but...they left me to rot, the figure is so blured when i try to remeber them, i dont know why i have it, sorry if that botherd you, didnt know it ws yours." i said a little nervouse as i pick up my plate, and eat small bites 'i dont want to get fat...but im so hungry..' i thought as i took another small bite. " doesnts bother me... your alright"  he said as he put the knife in his pocket and countinued eating. it went to a silience for the rest of breakfest, and i liked it, no hitting or yelling, i enjoyed the silence for once...

{ i did it!!!! im so so so sorry for the long wait, but i hoped youd enjoy this chapter!! ill see you in the next!!! be purple stay!!!-zakoda}

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