Mistake 1: No License

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Hi, I'm Sammie. I'm a busker in New York. When it comes to busking though, I make every mistake in the book-I mean EVERY. Me, being the nice person I am, will tell you all my mistakes so you won't make them. Also, you're going to have to deal with my theatrics sometimes-or all the time.

Here goes nothing:

Once upon a time, there was a girl. She owned a guitar, and wanted to go busking. She followed the Yellow Brick Road into town, and found a place to settle and start playing.

The girl played and played. Then, an ogre named Greg walked up to her. He picked her up and threw her in jail for not having a busking license.

In her cell, the girl cried and cried, overflowing the prison. Eventually, the ogre decided to let her go.

The girl put her red shoes on and skipped all the way home. She would never busk without a license again.

The End

Did I mention that these stories will be very overexagerated? No, I guess I didn't. You won't actually get thrown in jail if you don't have a busking license. You only need a license to busk if you are using any sort of amplification. Although, it is always best to have one so if someone comes up and asks, you have something that proves you can be there.

How (Not to) Busk in New YorkWhere stories live. Discover now