Mistake 6: Under Prepared Part 2

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The string popping is just what Sammie needed right then. She remains calm though, she learned some songs that don't require the string that popped-everything will be fine.

Sammie starts playing the song, and realizes that everything won't be fine. She hasn't practiced the song in forever, so she sounds awful.

The dragon calms-but not because of the song. It sends a message telepathically. You're lucky I recently turned vegetarian, otherwise I would  have eaten you like I did to the others. Phew! Sammie was safe.

The End

When you are busking, you want to be prepared-you don't want any nasty surprises after all! You just witnessed two examples-no extra strings and not enough practice. There are too many to explain all of them, but another  common one is not bringing extra batteries if you are using an amp.

How (Not to) Busk in New YorkDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora