🎂🔞𝟏𝟖𝐭𝐡 𝐁𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟔🔞🎂 (SMUT)

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Sorry that this one took so long guys! I was having Writers block! I hope you all enjoy this chapter! I have been a bit slower with writing of late but don't worry I'm getting myself back into it for you! xx


 Devil's play

Tom's alarm woke me as he rolled out of the bed and proceeded to walk into the bathroom whilst I lay on my back thinking about our trip. 'What do I need to bring? What will the weather be like?' my mind ran round and round as tom walked back into the room with nothing but his navy-blue boxers. "What are you thinking about sweetheart?" he said as he perched himself on the side of the bed. I rolled over and sat up next to him and smiled "Just thinking about the trip. All the stuff I need to sort out that's all" he wrapped his strong arm around my shoulder and kissed my head "Don't worry we have time to sort it out" I sighed and snuggled into him "Yeah I know". We both got dressed and headed downstairs to eat and talked about what stuff we'd both need to bring with us. "I'm going to need to stop by home to get some bits, like my swimsuit and clean summer wear since Florida is hotter than here". Tom's smile made my heart skip a beat as he nodded "okay but then we need to pitstop in the adult shop before we leave. I need to pick up something" I cocked my head and raised my brow "something being?" he chuckled and gathered the plates and put them in the sink. "Don't worry it's something I think you'll enjoy" I shrugged and just agreed. "Okay, well I trust you. Just warn me if this thing is going to ruin your bed sheets" we both laughed and then tom's phone went off. "I have to take this. I'll be back down in a minuet" he wandered upstairs to talk to who I could only guess was one of his managers. I checked my phone and decided to text dad to see how he is.

A-Hey dad how's it going? Hope you're not getting to drunk or doing anything stupid. Tom asked me to come with him to a premiere thing IN FLORIDA!! I can't wait! I'll take lots of pictures for you and bring back something from Orlando studios x

Dad- that's wonderful honey. And yes, I'm doing fine. Weather has been a bit miserable but it seems to be perking up in time for our boating trip. Me and the boys have been behaving don't worry. I can't wait to see you when I get back and hope to see all those photos. Love you x

A-love you too dad. Missing you loads x

Dad-Miss you too. X

I placed my phone in my back pocket and went for a walk around the house. My mind wandered down to the basement. 'I wonder what else is down there?' I bit my lip and slowly opened the door and snuck down. I tugged at the door and couldn't open it. "hmmm...maybe he has keys somewhere" I jogged upstairs and proceeded to go into the bedroom and start looking in the nightstand. "What are you looking for Alice?" I jolted and nearly fell on the floor. "Oh god tom! You scared me!" he laughed and leant in the doorway "I was just looking for...uh...the..." he raised a brow and began to slowly walk over towards me. 'Goddammit why was he such a turn on!' I felt my legs weaken a little as he lifted my chin and licked his lips. "Looking for what?" I swallowed hard and decided to lie. "My makeup...I could have sworn I put it in the draw" he chuffed and walked over to the other bedside table and pulled out my makeup bag. "Oh there it is!" I jumped over to him and went to grab it when he pulled me into him, kissing my neck. "I need to pop out for a little bit. Need to finalize something." I whimpered as his soft lips ran down my neck and back up to my ear "Will you be a good girl for me Alice?" I nodded and reached to pull him in closer when he growled into my ear "Words Alice" shivers ran through me "Yes. I'll be good. How long will you be gone?" he kissed my forehead and hugged me before pulling away "won't be more than an hour top. Think you can handle staying out of trouble until I get back?" "don't worry I'll be fine tom." We both walked downstairs and I gave tom one last hug before he got into his car and drove away.

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