" What happened back at your moms house?"

" Well things stayed like that for a long time until they both broke up.. He still lived there but with her unstable job and him always quitting. My mom had to find someone else to live in the living room. That's when I had a actual bed but no privacy. My mom started to change.. In attitude and everything. She always got into fights with me for stupid reason and used to beat me pretty hard."

" Can I ask with what?"

" Well regular hispanics with a shoe or belt. Some times she took it to far and beat me with wires and things that aren't even normal to beat a child with."

" Do you have scars?"

" Yes I do still.." One tear rolled down your face.

" Did your dad ever find out?"

" He saw them but I was scared of my mother so I blamed it on school like I fell in the play ground or something stupid like that."

" You were scared she would beat you if you told your dad?"

" She would beat the shit out of me.. So bad she left body marks and stuff on me. How would I not be scared?"

" Can you tell us about how you met your best friend?"

" Yeah of course. Well my dad moved into a house. We had a neighbor that had a daughter my same age. My dad knew those neighbors where he grew up. So it was perfect. We both used to play in the pool, go into the front lawn and run away and play stupid games. We of course as kids made games up like an airplane fell and we were the survivors and stuff. She made my childhood better. I alway s want to go to her house and played. Her parents love me and sometimes even call me their daughter because me and my best friend were so alike. She was my only true friend."

" Can you tell us about your teenager self?"

" Yeah well I started middle school in a school that sucked. That's when people started judging each other based on looks and stuff. I hated 6 grade because I didn't know anyone or anything. It was hard. People didn't want to talk to me cause I was fit for their standers and stuff. I started to hate how I looked and how I was as a person and my life. The middle of 6 grade my dad got into a coma. And unfortunately he did pass away.."

" How was it?"

" It was pretty painful. My mom and my sister were never the type of having touch as their love language and my dad was the only one. I got it from him and since he was gone it was painful knowing I could never receive the love I wanted.. My mom cried when she found out and I got angry at her." You looked down and played with your fingers trying not to cry.

" Why were you angry at her?"

" She cheated on my dad. She didn't love him anymore so why cry about someone you hurt the most? She was a cold hearted person when she cheated on my dad so why show emotion the moment he dies? Because she finally knew I couldn't go to his house on the weekends and escape from me or receive child support from him?"

" How was it after he passed away?"

" Well me and my best friend lost touch since I don't near her anymore.. I got diagnosed with depression in 7th grade and also with anxiety. It was hard knowing that everyone grows up to end up being judgement and stuff. I was always judged for my looks. I tried to work out and go on diets but they never helped. I developed an eating disorder because of it. It wasn't easy to get out of it especially how my mom always told me that I looked fat and blamed me for many things that I don't have control over."

" What did she blame you in?"

" She blamed me that the time she has left in life is gone because she had me. Which isn't true because she had an option for abortion but she just didn't chose it."

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