Make Me

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You felt the cold first, like you were in a freezer box for way too long. Then your brain recognized the wet feeling of being in the snow with regular clothes on. You tried to distinguish your surroundings, but aside from the singular bright light forming a spotlight on you, it was black as night. Another shiver swept over your body, so you try to conserve your body heat the best you could by wrapping your arms around yourself.

"Hello?" You call out and it echoes back to you. "Hello!" You yell louder.

In the silence you could hear a faint familiar whisper. The voice started to grow louder, as if someone was walking closer to you, yet you heard no footsteps. You try to listen harder, hoping to make out what it was saying.

"Hi sweetie. Your mom and I miss you. Are you cold?" It was your dad's voice.

You watched the snow melt away before your eyes, revealing a beautiful field of green grass below your feet. The harshness of the chills faded, and you felt a summer warmth enfold around you. One last puff of breath left your lips, then you couldn't see it anymore.

"Daddy?" You call for him.

"Come home kiddo. Your mom is a wreck with you gone. Come home to us..." His voice starts to fade once more.

"Dad, wait! Don't go!" But your eyes flutter open to another sunny morning in LA.

Facing the nightstand, you noticed a vase full of flowers and a note with your name on it. Curiosity driving you, you sit up quickly, completely forgetting your disturbing dream. In a rush you open the letter.

Good morning baby...

You told me your favorite holiday was Christmas, so get dressed. There's an outfit waiting for you in the bathroom! We have a relaxing day ahead. I'll see you downstairs. I love you!

It made your heart flutter. You took an extra second to smell the flowers. You had never been a huge flower girl, after all why spend so much money on something that's just going to die in a week, but they made you smile. In the bathroom a short red dress awaited you, with black, lacey flats to pair with it. You jump in the shower to get a hurried rinse in, then got all dolled up. It wasn't a shocker that the dress fit perfectly. How did he do that? It made you feel like a model.

As you run downstairs, you stop on the last step. There, in front of the tree, stood H/N. He had a black tight-fitting sweater on, his hair was a controlled mess of masterfully combed medium length hair, and his grin brought the whole scene together. Behind him, wrapped presents made a small mountain at the base of the tree, which was a glow with the lights you had put on two days prior.

"Have you been standing there all morning?" You ask suspiciously.

He snickers, "I had a gut feeling about what time you'd be down. Hopefully, that doesn't ruin the magic. Good morning," he comes to give you a kiss, and lifts you off the last step to put you down in front of him.

"Good morning. What is all of this?" You were referring to the presents specifically.

"It's not Christmas without presents under the tree. So, I took the liberty of getting you a couple things to unwrap," taking your hand he leads you over to them.

Handing you one of the smaller ones, you look at him with tears threatening to fall, "H/N, you seriously shouldn't have. This is too much, and I didn't even know we were doing the whole presents thing. I don't have anything to give to you," you state ashamed.

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