Chapter 5- Larry getting found out

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A few weeks goes by and Niall still has this huge secret on him. Niall started getting really stressed because he didn't know what to do. He knew that keeping this secret would be really hard to do and he didn't know how much longer he could keep it. He thought to him self that he has to talk to Harry and Louis about it.

Harry and Louis are still seeing each other. They still don't know what type of relationship they have because they don't want any labels yet. They just decide that they should keep their relationship a secret. Louis and Harry talked about it and before they decided to tell Liam they wanted to ask Zayn about it all. They both decided to call Zayn at night this way Liam doesn't hear.

"Hey louis and harry i need to talk to you." said Niall
"They are still sleeping Niall what's wrong." Liam had said.

"Oh um it's more of um a um thing."-Niall

"Well what's this thing"-Liam

"Um so let's say I know these two people and saw them you know and they told me I can't tell any one not even their closest friend and I had known for weeks" Niall said very nervous

Liam then gave Niall some advice on it and Niall agreed if they said to keep it a secret then keep it.
The whole day goes by Harry and Louis were "sleeping" most of the day. Liam and Niall watched movies all day. Zayn is still in London and he was thinking of calling the boys but he didn't know if he should.

It comes to the night time and Liam goes off to bed and goes inside Louis and Harry's room. Liam walks in without knocking and sees Harry and Louis laying down shirts off in the same bed. Liam said "um goodnight lads" to where he closed the door. He then goes and finds Niall. "Niall I have a question for you lad" Liam had said to Niall. "What's wrong?"

"I went to say goodnight to Lou and Har and earlier that talk I had with you was it about them??" said Liam

"Um why do you ask" Niall had stated

"Because um they were laying in the same bed and which is normal for them to do but like half naked just tell me please.... the truth." Liam said

"Um I am not allowed to give details out when they want to tell you they will" Niall said without thinking

"OMG THEY ARE!" Liam shouted "awwww I always knew they would get together."

"HAHAHA literally same tbh they were always perfect for each other" Niall said

"Does anyone else know about it?"

"As of what I know only me and them and well now you"

While Liam and Niall were talking Louis and Harry were getting their clothes back on and they took long bc of stuff. They walk out of their room hearing Liam and Niall talking about what had happened.

They were really worried Liam wouldn't support them but after they heard Liam say that he thought they would be a good couple they got really happy.

"Um hey you guys" Harry and Louis had said to Niall and Liam
"You guys look like you had a lot of fun I see" Liam said


"so your ok with us?" louis said

"of course I am. Listen I didn't lose my best friends and nothing really could change between us." Liam said

They all laughed and talked about it al for a while until they all went to bed.

The next day they decided they were going to do something.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2021 ⏰

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