Chapter 4-Larry

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So Harry and Louis had the exact same talk. But after their talk, Louis had to tell Harry something that only he would understand. And Louis said to Harry, "I don't know how to say this but I knew I could tell you without being judged. I...I....I am gay." And Harry said "I'm so proud of you. This doesn't change anything you, you are still my best friend. (He knew Harry would understand because he came out in the 10th grade). Harry was so supportive of Louis. After Louis asked Harry if he could help him tell the other boys. So of course Harry said, "Yes, of course, I'll help you whenever you are ready." Louis told him that he was ready and wanted to do it at dinner. 

The day goes by quickly, and it's dinner time and it was Louis' turn to cook dinner so he made chicken stuffed with mozzarella wrapped in paramaham with a side of homemade mash. And while they were eating they all were talking about their day. Louis was talking and said, "I worked today and I'm gay and then went to the gym, then I made us dinner." And the boys all said to Louis congrats and that they were very proud of him and that they love him so much. 

About two weeks go by since Zayn left and he still didn't call but they were just giving him time.

About two weeks go by since Louis told the boys and one night Louis couldn't sleep so he was still sharing a room with Harry (also can't forget to mention they have an empty room in the house still) and he wakes Harry up and asks him if he can watch a movie with him, so Harry said yeah and they watched the movie. Right in the middle of the movie, Harry saw that Louis wasn't ok, so he asked him what's wrong and after he asks him Louis kissed him. Harry was so confused and Louis started saying sorry and ran into their room. Harry went after him following him. 

Harry kissed him back and they started to make out. They were so close to doing the dirty until Niall came and knock on their door because he had a nightmare. (When Niall gets nightmares he always wakes Harry up because Harry comforts him.) Harry quickly puts his pj's back on and Louis pretends to go back to bed. 

Harry goes to Niall and Liam's room and read Niall a bedtime story until he fell back asleep. 

After that, he went to his room to see Louis is still up and he wanted to cuddle Harry so they cuddled but Niall woke up once again, and without thinking to knock he walked into their room seeing them making out again so he left so quickly and they heard Niall leave. They went into Niall's room so quietly so they didn't wake up Liam.

They brought Niall into their room and told him not to say anything to Liam yet because they didn't even know what it was yet, they didn't know if they were dating or going to be just friends with benefits. They were also scared of what Liam would say to them, but they knew they should tell him soon. 

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