Chapter 1

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(A/N Hey guys new story today! Hope you like it!)

It was a warm summer night, and the stars were shining in the sky. The only light was the small fire, Niall and Liam had started. It was a typical Saturday night for the two eight year olds, camping in the woods behind their houses. It was something they did every summer.

Niall and Liam had been best friends their whole lives, and were inseparable. The two had lived next door to each other their entire lives, and had instantly become friends. They did everything together, but little did they know everything was about to change.

“Li Lil, I wish we didn’t have to go back to school next week.” Niall said, while roasting a marshmallow over their fire.

“I know Ni, but we have to, we gotta get our edumacation.” Liam replied, giggling.

“I’m scared Li, what if things aren’t the same.

Liam looked over to Niall, and could see the fear in his eyes. He couldn’t deny he was scared too, third grade was going to be a whole new world for them, new teachers, new lessons. It was overwhelming to them both.

“Ni, things will be okay, just because we’re in third grade, doesn’t mean we need to be scared, we are the oldest kids in the school now, things will be great.”

“Maybe your right.” Niall said, as he blew out his flaming marshmallow.

Niall knew Liam was right, and he still couldn’t help being scared, but he knew as long as Liam was by his side things would be just fine.


*Ten Years Later*

Niall laid on his bed, listen to the new Jamie Lee ep had bought on iTunes. He was lost in the songs, in another world daydreaming about days long since gone. He couldn’t help think about Liam, and whatever went wrong with their friendship. Soon after they had started third grade, Niall’s mother decided to put him in a posh private school, and it wasn’t long after that, that he and Liam just drifted apart, he never knew why exactly, but they did.

A few years later Liam’s parents had divorced, and Liam just disappeared, the house sitting for sale now going on six year. 

Niall just laid there, off in his own little world when a knock came upon his door. Niall sighed, being pulled out of his thoughts, and went to answer it.

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY NIALL!!!!” Harry shouted, as Niall stepped aside to let him in.

“Thanks Haz, what are you doing?”

“Oh nothing I just thought I would come wish my favorite leprechaun a happy 18th birthday.”

Harry always seemed to be cheerful, and Niall loved that about him. Harry was Niall’s first friend at his new school, and they quickly became close. They were both the outcasts of the school, but they didn’t care one bit, they had each other, and that is that mattered. Harry had been there for him for some of the toughest times in his life.

“So Niall, did you see someone is moving into the old Payne house?” Harry said, gesturing out the window.

“Really, about time, it’s been for sale a long time.” He said, looking out at all the commotion next door.

“Did you ever find out what happened to Liam?” Harry asked.

“All I know Is his parents divorced, and they all moved. It’s like he vanished into thin air.”

Harry let out a sigh, he knew how much Niall missed him, but he didn’t press the subject any further.

Niall continued looking out the window, Liam’s old how, and that’s when he saw him, stunning, slightly tanned skin, buzzed brown hair, six pack, the guy was perfect. Was he his new neighbor?



NIALL!!!” Harry shouted, snapping him out of his daze.


“Your drooling mate.”

Niall was bright red, as he wiped his mouth off.

“I wonder who he is.” Niall said.

“I don’t know, but he isn’t a bad sight.”

Niall gave, Harry an odd look.

“Hey I may be straight, but I know when someone is attractive.” Harry said, blushing slightly.

“Think he is?”

“Awe Niall has a crush!” Harry shouted.

“I do not!”

“You were drooling.”


Niall looked back out the window, the guy was nowhere to be seen, maybe he was just a worker. He wondered who was moving in next door, they looked rich, that’s for sure, with all the renovations that had already been started, and the fancy cars in the driveway, he just had a feeling they were going to be snobs, but he didn’t care. It was his birthday, and he planned on having a good time.

Best of Both Worlds (A Niam FanFic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin