Part 1

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My name is Izuku Midoriya. I have had the dream to be a hero. The dream of rescuing people and fighting the bad guys.

But sadly I don't have a quirk. I also can't leave the house because of an unknown disease I was diagnosed with. I also need fresh air at all times. So at home there are air purifiers in the rooms of our house.

At the age of three I could talk almost fluidly and so I asked my mom to read to me. By the time I was four I could read fluidly and started to learn to write. By the age of five I could read and write perfectly.

At this time mom started to have a tough time with money. You might be asking what about my dad. Mom says that he ran away and left us a couple of months before I was born and that she doesn't have a clue of where he went.

At the age of six I started to get into technology and how it works. Mom bought me a laptop even though we were in det. I also had to get glasses because my eyesight started to get worse. After getting glasses I started creating little devices.

Mom bought the parts and sense we weren't doing well with money. I started to sell a few of my creations online and give the money to mom.

She would put some money aside for my creations and the rest for the debt and bells. After some time went on we were finally debt free.

I also started making a robotic system. That I decided to name Carla. She took some time to build and get the parts for her. When I started to program her I started with my computer.

My desk was filled with prototypes that didn't work out. Like Lisa's data wasn't working, and Maddie's who wasn't able to communicate and almost gave my computer a horrible virus on it. Though I was able to delete them before anything could happen.

By the time I was ten instead of making things In my room. I had started making things in an extra room that's in the house. The door is a bookcase. So it was hidden in the hallway. Noone knows about it besides me and mom.

I have a huge tv/computer screen on one of the walls that Carla is on. She's on all of my computers but she mostly talks to me from that one.

There's a few other computers scattered across that wall, but they are smaller ones. Under the computers there's a desk with four computers on it.

On another wall there is another desk but this one has some random things that I had made. That is all but one. The one I'm talking about is this robot type thing. That is both a body suit that I can use to fight in. But also a robot that I can use from home by using a VR head that controls the robot when I'm not in it. When I am in it. It will keep the air fresh within it.

Though I'm not going to actually go in it if I don't have to. I'm also going to connect Carla to the robot. Though if anything happens to Carla I have a backup database for her.

I started with making the robot's hands. They open up when you want them to. They can fit any size hand by slightly changing its form to fit a person's hand. Which I tested with my mom's hand. In which it works perfectly.

By the time I was 13 years old I had most of it finished. I start making the head where I started to program Carla all the way into it so she doesn't have to hack into it.

At this time a new family moved in next to our house. Mom invited them over for dinner and notified them about my disease and not to worry it doesn't spread.

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