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The rest of the class was a blur in George's memory, since all he could think of was the warmth of y/n's skin against his.

The bell rang and they headed to the Dungeons for Potions. Upon entering the squared-sized classroom, George noticed it was filled with strong smells and vapors. They chose a table in the corner of the classroom, and he sat with Lee at his side, opposite him Fred and y/n.

Snape entered the dungeon walking swiftly, his black robes flailing behind him. He stopped in front of the biggest cauldron and fixed them with his unrelenting gaze.

"Who can tell me what the potion before me is?" Snape said slowly, his voice deep, and looked around the room. "No one?" he raised an eyebrow.

Cedric Diggory had raised his hand, but Snape ignored him.

"I believe it's called Veritaserum, Professor" Cedric ventured.

"5 points from Hufflepuff for speaking out of turn, Mr. Diggory," spat Snape, making a disgusted grimace when pronouncing his name. "However, as much as it suprises me, you're correct. What about this one?" he pointed at the silver-colored cauldron next to George's table.

With a quick glance he recognized that it contained Amortentia, one of the potions he and Fred had spent the summer holidays experimenting with.

Amortentia smells differently to each person, depending on what attracts them at the present moment. Curious, George leaned in slightly closer to the cauldron and inhaled deeply. For a brief moment, it felt like the room was spinning and the smells overpowered his senses. He smelled gunpowder... then flowers, daisies... and a sweet scent he hadn't been able to pinpoint until now. It smelled like... almost like... the Transfiguration class... y/n eyes on his, her lips so close, her scent... that was her scent.

George raised his eyes and they met y/n's. It was as if he was seeing her for the first time in all these years. Y/n looked absolutely beautiful. Her eyes were warm, comforting. Her h/c hair glistened like in the sun, even though they were in the windowless and cold dungeon. Y/n...

He remembered that one night in the Astronomy Tower, when they had snuck out for stargazing. They had sat on the edge, swinging their legs miles above the ground. It was late summer, no clouds in sight. Clusters of stars sparkled like jewels in the night sky. Y/n leaned her head on his shoulder. George rested his cheek on her soft hair. He rememberd that for the first time he had felt whole and complete, and he had told himself, he would remember that night forever.

Back in the dungeon, George smiled faintly at this memory. Y/n smiled back at him. Her smile... He would do anything for her smile.

For her.

I love her.

Gunpowder & Daisies (George Weasley x Reader/ Cedric Diggory x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now