#43 he said the thing

Start from the beginning

"Okay! So I called y/n..." He paused again teasing them

"OHMYGOD" Dream yelled


The three laughed at them being frustrated "You guys are so obsessed, you can't even tell her what you feel" Sapnap chuckled

"Yeah, just tell her. Two of you at once" Karl suggested

"What are you guys talking about? No, I don't like her" Dream denied even if he just got caught in 4k

"It's so obvious! Don't even deny it!" Sapnap shouted

"Sapnap, I've known you for like so many years and you're like a brother to me so if I liked someone, I would've told you"

"Stop goddamn talking and let George continue his story!" Alex slipped in their conversation

"okay, actually... I want to continue my story" George said "I called y/n, and it took her like 58 seconds to answer me so I asked her why did she take so long and turns out she just woke up and it's like 12pm in Florida"

"She overslept again" Alex said laughing

"Again?" Dream asked

"Yeah, she woke up 11am yesterday" Alex answered

"How would you know?"

"Because we talk often than you two do"

"Can I continue my story now?" George asked

"Yeah let George continue" Sapnap said making them silent

"Of course I let that slide and asked if how is she and is she streaming today and she said no" George said that made Alex confused

"What? She said she'll stream"

"She said she's not in the mood"

That made Karl think "First she overslept, and now she's not in the mood..."

"Please just let me finish" George then interrupted "Then I said that it's okay to rest. She then said that I'm in a good mood, and you guys know what I did next?"


"I said 'Yeah I'm happy because I'M VERIFIED AND YOU'RE NOT' then ended the call" George laughed

"Woah... You shouldn't have done that George" Karl said

"What do you mean? It's funny"

"I'm sure she didn't find it funny"

"How would you know that Karl?" Sapnap asked

"Because first she overslept and sometimes that's a bad sign, second she's not in the mood for streaming and I know that she loves streaming so that means she's losing interest in her hobby that can be sign of depression"

"Wait what? Really?" Dream asked

"So you're saying-"

"No, I'm not a therapist!" Karl interrupted George "I'm just saying that it's a sign, I'm not saying that she is. But it can be possible"


You're now on your bed bored, you just can't get yourself to do anything and you don't know why. And this boredom is making you overthink about your life

"Does it even matter?" you whispered

Suddenly you heard your phone vibrated on your pillow that interrupted your train of thought and saved you from overthinking too much.

You grabbed your phone looking if someone texted you

'1 new message from George sucks: Y/n I'm sorry about earlier'
'1 new message from Clay block: Y/n? You okay?'
'1 mew message from Alex is short: WHO HURT YOU? I'M ABOUT TO THROW HANDS'

Y/n sucks
-What do you mean?

George sucks
-I shouted at you earlier

Y/n sucks
-Oh, that?
-it's fine

George sucks
-You sure?
-I didn't upset you or anything?

Y/n sucks
-dw about it


Y/n <3
-Yeah I'm fine
-Why'd you ask?

Clay block
-Just checking up on you
-I won't be okay if you're not

That made you smile a little

Y/n <3
-aw that's so sweet

Clay block
-If you're not feeling okay
-just always remember that I love you
-I mean WE love you

Y/n <3
-Thank you Dream


Alex is short

Y/n my beloved
-why? What happened?

Alex is short
-are you okay?

Y/n my beloved
-yes I'm fine

Alex is short
-are you sure?

Y/n my beloved

Alex is short
-Because I can't stand a fucking day without making sure you're okay

Y/n my beloved
-yes I'm fine alex
-I'm just not in the mood to talk to anybody

Alex is short
-of course love
-take a break if you need to
-always remember that your best friend loves you

Y/n my beloved
-as a friend?

Alex is short
-more than that

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