12 | the wrong side of the bed.

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There was a thud and then I felt Lucas' hand tugging on my thigh, stopping me. "Wait, don't sit up. I will go to the window and check instead."

"Mate, don't move your hand upwards or you'll be touching a part of me neither one of us want touched or to touch."

He jerked his hand back instantly, a mildly horrified expressionon his face. "Yeah, definitely don't want to touch yours. Ew."

"Homophobic much?"

He rolled his eyes. "Shut up, dude," He murmured.

"Are you still in the closet or what?"

He choked on a laugh. "Now I openly score goals for both teams, you know that."

"Is this your way of saying that you've got a crush on me?" I cocked an eyebrow, and even though I knew that he couldn't see me very well in the dark, he knew me well enough to guess my expression correctly.

He blew a raspberry at me. "You will literally be the last person on earth I have a crush on."

I rolled my eyes. "Please, we both know that you—" I said. "—want to be all over me, okay?"

He snickered. "Sure," He said, his voice laced with sarcasm. "Sure, dude."

"Oh wait, what the fuck," I murmured before opening my phone and switching on the flashlight. "Why were we talking into the dark when we have flashlights on our phones?"

"Oh shit, yes," He murmured before he reached out in his jacket and fished his phone out, turning his flashlight on. "God, we are dumb."

I scowled at him. "Speak for yourself, mate. I have just been rendered wit-less because I am in your presence."

"Oh so now my presence robs you off of your wit?"

I gave my best friend an exasperated sigh. "Of course it does, Lucas, your presence does that to everyone. You're like the prettiest dude in school, okay?"

"Thanks, you aren't too bad either," He smiled, the dimple on his left cheek rising to prominence. "Now, to the window."

"Ugh, I know I am irresistible but stop flirting with me already," I said, before easing back on the bed.

"Why?" He grinned. "Too scandalous?"

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes. "It's gay."

He shot me a quick grin before walking towards the window in three quick steps, as he opened the window and peered outside before reporting. "Nope, power outage in the whole block. Definitely a transformer burst."

As if on cue, two sharp knocks at the door resonated throughout the room. "Come in!" I yelled.

"You guys good?" The guy asked shining a flashlight in our faces, and I struggled to put a name to him for a moment before it clicked. It was Dante, Andre's brother.

"Yeah man," Lucas said, walking towards him. "What happened?"

"The transformer burst," He stated, his lips thinning into a line. "The backup is there but it can't support the whole house, it's only in the master bedroom and the bathroom. More backup is coming soon. But by then, you two wanna go there? I heard you weren't feeling the best," He said, pointing to me.

"Nah, I am good," I mutter, offering him a thumbs up. "As long as Lucas stays here with me, I am fine."

"He is afraid of staying in the dark alone," Lucas whispered loudly.

"Fuck off, dude."

Dante chuckled. "Well, if you two think so. But please, don't leave the room till the lights come on, okay? I already had two drunken boys fall off the stairs. None of their hit their heads but one sprained his ankle pretty bad."

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