Chapter Three: Moving Weekend

Start from the beginning

"I can make more arms, but they can have mouths, ears, or eyes in addition to fists." he held out his arm, and more arms came out with a layer of skin-like webbing between them. Some with eyes, others with ears, a few with mouths.
"Interesting. Have you considered using your webbing as a shield or even like a radar dish to take in sound better?"
Shoji chuckled slightly, "No, I hadn't. I'll try that sometime.

Finally, it was Tokoymais' turn. "I have Dark Shadow." A small floating creature appears from under the bird boy's clothes, "I can control him telepathically, but he can act on his own, and his power and loyalty are based on the level of light around. The darker, the more powerful and independent he is, but he can be extremely dangerous."
"Most interesting indeed, can he change the material he is made of or interact with the physical world? Perhaps a form of hardening like Kirishima as a type of armor." The teen once again mumbled to himself while writing.

"What about you, Midoriya," Kirishima asked.
He hadn't thought about it. What should his cover be, "Oh, me?" He stuttered out, such a bad habit, "I, uh, have a strength enhancement quirk. It allows me to punch things hard, but it's hard to control, and I can overdo it easily."
Tokoyami perked up, "You wouldn't happen to be the one that destroyed the zero pointer with one punch, would you?"
Nervously he responded, "Actually, yeah, but I broke both legs and my arm."
Shoji butted in, "Yeah, but you saved that girl, which is commendable."

The three continued talking and ate lunch, eventually getting to know each other better. Tokoyami seemed hesitant around him but loosened up a little. That was till a group of girls showed up.

The first person Midoriya noticed was Uraraka. Next to her was a girl who was slightly crouched over and looked vaguely frog-like. Next was a girl who had pink skin and hair, black eyes, and horns. Lastly was a reasonably normal-looking girl with earphone jacks as extensions of her ear lobes. They were also talking amongst themselves when they came in but were hushed as they noticed the boys sitting and eating.

"What's up? My name's Kirishima. It's a pleasure to meet my future classmates." The teen got up and walked to the girls, hand extended.
He was met with a pink handshake, "The name is Ashido." The girl who led the party responded, "This is Jiro, Uraraka, and Asui. She pointed to the earphones jack girl, then Uraraka, and finally the frog girl.

Tokoyami leaned over to Midoriya, "Isn't that the girl you saved?"
The boys got up and introduced themselves.
"So it seems we're the guinea pigs." Jiro sighed.
"You could say that or that we are the exclusive members who get a chance to test a new product," Uraraka added.
"Wow, Uraraka, you sure are positive, kero." As stated
"I try to be!" She gave a thumbs up.
Shoji asked, "Would you guys need help bringing your stuff inside? I only saw Midoriya bring his items in."
"Actually, yeah." "That would be great." "I have a lot of stuff." A few commented. With that, they helped get each other's items brought in and set up, except for Midoriya, who already had his things inside but assisted the others.

The day passed, and the sun began to set on the students who were now finished. "Well, that was exhausting," Kirishima commented.
"Yeah, but hey, now we can explore the campus," Ashido exclaimed.
They all agreed but decided to clean up first. They met at the entrance and went out. Luckily they were given their student ID and could wander around the campus at night without being locked out of most doors. They explored the main building, finding their classroom and others. The lunch room, a gymnasium, a workout room, an Olympic-sided pool, an indoor track, and a bunch of other exciting stuff used for recreation and training.

Outside was a path leading to different training grounds and the forest. Midoriya felt a pang in his heart, and he looked to the moon. It was nearly full. They continued walking around but found nothing of great interest outside, so they returned to the dorm and dispersed.

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