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Trump POV

Im finishing up writing my last love letter. I really hope Biden likes it! Even though im too stupid to tell him that i've been sending him these all along..
But this time I will write my name at the bottom. I can't be a coward anymore.

Dear Biden,

Your wrinkles never fail to make me smile.
Your eyes are mirrors to my boobs.
I want to kiss you until you die from all my love.
I can't stop thinking about you..

- From Trump

Ok time to mail this to him lol.
I told my bodyguard or someone to take it to the post office and mail it because im too chunky to walk alllll the way over there.

*2 days later*

Obama POV

Ok I got a mail, it looks like a love letter but...ITS FROM TRUMP? For who??? FOR BIDEN? OMG

Thats fruity but its whatever. I read the ugly letter and gasped :0

"B-b-but I cant let Biden see this...HE BELONGS TO ME!"

I huffed and I puffed and ripped the letter to tiny shreds. No one can steal my bidey away from me.
This orange must watch out.


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