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We pulled up to the house and it was a lot bigger than I imagined, "I think I can live with this" I thought as I started to get out of the car. "C'mon" the parents said grabbing the bags out of the car. I walked inside the house and the first thing i see are 5 other children sitting on the couch waiting. They all stare at me when I walk in farther to the house. They all jump up and run to me, " Who are you?" Says a boy with glasses and a missing tooth in the front, he looked a little older than me. "Im Don" I replied, trying to sound tough.
Right then the parents walked in "Whats all this about?" The father said looking at the big crowd of children surrounding me. "All of you get back to doing chores!" All of the children scrambled away and got back to work. "Hey there Don come here for a second I need to address the rules in this house." I walked over to the father and sat down next to him. "Okay heres the rules,

1. You will always address me as sir and your mother as ma'am
2. You will follow any directions we give you
3. Any sibling older than you is also in charge of you so you will respect them and do what they say
4. Chores are chores and they will be done everyday
5. Take off your shoes before entering this house.
6. Bedtime is 8:30 every night
7. If you don't eat dinner there are no snacks after so you better eat while you can.
8. Last thing is no tattling because that will get you a wedgie.

"Punishments will vary but most the time you will get a spanking or your mouth washed out with soap for bad language, we can do much more though. Just ask Johny!" Both parents laugh. Then mother says, "Im sorry dear but you will also have to receive a spanking right now." "Wait, why mom?" I ask confused. "Let's make that two now for not addressing me as ma'am. You didn't take your shoes off when you walked in so you will receive those spankings.

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