Ayatsuji Yukito - The Magical Sleepy Sleep Drink (Fluff)

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A/N: This mini-oneshot was originally written by one of my good friends, Petunia! With her permission, I have both extended and edited it, posting it here. Thank you so much for allowing me to, I loved writing this -

You looked into the mirror, flapping and waving your arms around with a displeased expression imprinted onto your face.

This pajama shirt that Ayatsuji gave you to wear was way too big.

Not only were the sleeves incredibly large and long, but the shirt itself was hardly charming in any way, shape, or form. Its material was rather itchy and uncomfortable, as it displayed a white and blue striped pattern. There were buttons to hold it together, but the shirt was too large in comparison to your slim figure, and so part of it kept falling off of your left shoulder. It certainly was a pain to readjust.

Exhaling an inconvenienced and irritated sigh, you proceed to lazily scratch your head and exit the bathroom.

"I guess I didn't really have a choice anyway." You tiredly mumble.

Today was your usual day of work, monitoring the A-Ranked threat: Ayatsuji Yukito.

At first, it took quite a while for the both of you to cooperate with each other, as you would easily annoy the other endlessly. However, as your time together progressed, your relationship with each other began to blossom, resulting in a highly-respecitve friendship. Instead of him considering you as a nuisance, he finally felt mutual respect as he saw you as a partner.

But then, unexpectedly - and as much to his dismay - you went from a partner, to a romantic interest.

Ayatsuji was still rather confused about his feelings; not sure if it was just appeal, or a legitimate connection. Either way, he was a man who lacked emotion and expression, and so he despised any irrational behavior that came from his conflicting thoughts.

And to make matters worse, upon observation, he had reached the conclusion that you felt the same way.

Tonight, you were both responsible for writing the reports to recent events; however, Ayatsuji procrastinated as usual, attempting to push all the workload onto you. But, this time, you would not allow yourself to be a convenient tool for him. And so, instead, you decided to stay at his residence and force him to cooperate with you.

There was an abundance of paperwork to fill, and it certainly took a lot of effort to get the blonde to work, as he would ignore your directions and take the time to read one of his books, or just simply turn around in his chair while playing with one of his cats.
This resulted in you completing your assignments much later than anticipated.

And so, Ayatsuji claimed that you had no choice but to stay the night.

"It's far too dangerous for a woman to return home by herself at this hour." He argued. Normally, he would hardly be considerate enough to offer someone a place to stay for the night. But, considering the fact that it was you, he figured it would be quite a pain if he were to be concerned upon your safe return home.

You had made an attempt to protest, but eventually, accepted the fact that he was right.

So here you are now, sleeping in the Homicide Detective's own home.

A dangerous man who was held captive by government officials.

It was quite an odd situation.

As you make your way back to the area which you were sleeping, you uneasily pull to a halt. Nothing but the sounds of the average late night could be heard amongst the building: pestilent crickets chirping, the occasional coo and hoot of an owl, the noticable ticking of a classy clock displayed on the wall,

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