1. Brett and Brad

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Eddy Chen was visiting Sydney as a soloist to perform with the SSO, the Sydney Symphony Orchestra. One day after rehearsal, he noticed it had started to rain heavily and Eddy was caught out without an umbrella. It was a very short stroll to get back to his hotel room, he practically only had to cross the street, but he was reluctant to walk in the rain because of his violin.

"Excuse me, Eddy?"


"Hi, I'm Brett. First violin. Are you stuck in the rain? Here, please take this umbrella."

"Hi Brett, yes I remember you from rehearsal. OMG I can't take your umbrella..!"

"Don't worry, I'm water resistant. I'll be fine. I'm catching a cab home later anyway."

Eddy smiled.

"Thank you, Brett, that's very kind of you,  I owe you one. So I'll see you tomorrow and I can return your umbrella then?"

"Sure, either that or you can give it to my brother, Brad, he works at the café on the ground floor of the hotel you're staying at. We're identical twins, everyone except our mum recogns we look the same."

Eddy thanked Brett and used the umbrella as he crossed the street.  He decided to stop over at a café on the ground floor before going up to his hotel room. He sat down at a table and ordered a coffee. Sure enough, an Asian waiter who brought over his coffee was a spitting image of Brett. Eddy thought there was absolutely no doubt this young man was Brad.

"Here is your coffee sir..."

The next instant the waiter accidentally tipped the cup and some coffee had splashed onto his hand. Eddy noticed the young man flinch in pain.

"OMG are you okay??!"

"Yes, I'm fine. I'm so sorry to have spilt your coffee, let me get you a new one."

"Oh, no, no, no, that's fine, I'll just take that, it's only a little bit that spilt. More importantly, how is your hand??"

"Don't worry, I'm heat resistant. I'll be fine."

Eddy let out a chuckle.

"You guys definitely come from the same pea pod."

The young waiter noticed Eddy had a violin case with him.

"OMG, you're a violin player too?! Did you just come from where my brother works? What did he say?"

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