My Protector

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Kara is on her way to Catco when her phone rings, it's Clark. 

"Hey Clark."

"Hey Kara. I was wondering if you could do me a favour?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"Well Morgan Edge assigned me on this new piece. It's on Lena Luthor and L Corp. I was wondering since you and her are close, maybe you could set up an interview for me?"

"I'll see what I can do."

"Thanks Kara. It means a lot."

"Anytime Kal. I have to go, I'll let you know she says."

"Thank you, bye."

"Bye cuz"

Kara hangs up the phone and enters the elevator. She pushes the button for the floor Catco is on. The elevator dings and the doors open. Kara exits the elevator and heads for her office. She enters her office, shuts the door and hangs up her coat. She then sits at her desk and dials Lena's number. After two rings, the phone was answered.

"Hey Kara!"

"Hey Lena! How are you?"

"I'm ok. And you?"

"I'm alright. But I actually wanted to ask you something."

"What is it?" Lena seemed nervous. 

"Well my cousin, Clark, works for the Daily Planet, as you know."


"His boss assigned him a new article, it's about you and L Corp. He asked me if I could set up an interview. What do you think?"

"Um, I don't know Kara. I mean, I like your cousin, that's not the problem. It's just, you know how I feel about Morgan Edge..."

"Yeah I know. The thing is that Clark will get in trouble if he doesn't get the interview. You know how strict Edge is. He's fired people before because they didn't land an interview."

"I know, and I'd hate for Clark to get in trouble, but-" Kara cuts Lena off with an idea. 

"How about we make it a double interview?!"

"W-what do you mean?"

"Well why don't I tell Cat that my cousin and I have been dying to work together on a piece again. You know how much she adores Clark, and we can make it an interview for the Daily Planet  and Catco. We share the article, so Morgan can't twist it before it's published?"

"Oh, that's actually not a bad idea. Ok, let's do it."

"Thank you so much Lena! When are you available?"

"Lunch today is good."

"Ok, I'll tell Clark. Bye Lena."

"Bye Kara."

Kara hangs up. She texts Clark the details about the interview, and Clark thanks her once more. Lena, however, was hoping that Kara wanted to ask her something else. Lena had the biggest crush on Kara, ever since she walked into her office for that first interview. Then Lena realized, 'Shit! This is gonna be the same thing all over again!' Lena thought. 


Once lunch rolled around, Kara and Clark met up outside L Corp. The two hug and walk into the building. They enter the elevator and push the floor for Lena's office. The doors slide open and the reporters exit the elevator. Jess tells them they could go right inside. Kara knocks on the door to be polite. She opens the door when she hears Lena say 'Come in.' 

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